Fellows Semi Finalist

<p>UA had listed the wrong contact phone number in the confirmation email! I called them this morning and they had it correct in their database but was not sure why it was wrong in the email!!</p>

<p>So I assume if we have not heard yet that means my son did not make semi-finalist status?</p>

<p>Congratulations to everyone who did make it!</p>

<p>Congratulations to those making the semi-finalist round for UFE and good luck! Keep us posted.</p>

<p>Agreed. Congrats on making semi-finalist.</p>

<p>I did find out that everyone that applied will receive notification one way or another. Not all semifinalists have been notified. I’m definitely saying extra prayers right now!!!</p>

<p>Curious … does Bama arrange to take kids to and from the Birmingham airport for the UFE weekend? If not, how do the kids who fly in get there?</p>

<p>Does anyone happen to know approximately how many UFE applicants are chosen as semi-finalists, and how many of those are then finalists? Thanks!</p>

<p>If I remember correctly, last year there were over 500 applicants, about 100 semi-finalists and 60 finalists.</p>

<p>This year, the application said they expected over 1000 applicants to be eligible to apply for UFE. I don’t remember how many were expected to be selected … was it 50? My son and I both remember that number, somehow.</p>

<p>How about my question … anybody know? How do kids who have to fly in get to the interview weekends from BHM airport? Any transpo provided by Bama?</p>

<p>Congrats to all who have received notification. I read on another post about CBH and UFE that CBH students woud be picked up at airport. One would think that they would do the same for UFE.</p>

<p>So it’s pretty much certain that if you haven’t heard, you aren’t a semifinalist? :frowning:
I’d thought, considering my community involvement and ECs, I had a pretty decent chance. (I’m not trying to be arrogant or imply that those who have been contacted don’t deserve it)</p>

<p>^^Thanks, girlzmom! Hopefully, you’re right. That way, I can stay in the comfort of my little home (and at work) and send my son on his way! :)</p>

<p>^Awww. That’s sad, LonDubh. I do think that all the notices have been sent. Did you check your Crimson email account? That’s where the notices were delivered. I think they considered not just community involvement and ECs, but also stats. Do you have really high stats?</p>

<p>A few weeks ago, we realized that my son was not considered in the first round of the elite scholarship at another school … we were kind of surprised, and quite disappointed. We knew of two other kids who were accepted into that first round, and … well, we were happy for them, and didn’t begrudge them, but (really) my son’s stats and ECs and leadership were considerably stronger. So we felt – mystified? Disappointed? Maybe he didn’t do as good of a job painting his picture on his app? Anyway, sometimes, these things are a real mystery.</p>

<p>At least at that other school, there’s a second round of considerations … we’ll see if we’re disappointed again. If so … so be it. It really doesn’t reflect on you, you know. It reflects more on the scholarship committee and exactly what they’re looking for. Lots of good applicants for all of these things – at all schools. They have to turn other good applicants away. I’m sad for you, though, because I know that sinking feeling. :(</p>

<p>@ LonDubh: last year my D was disappointed that she wasn’t selected as a semifinalist. But guess what? It doesn’t seem to have made a difference to her experience on campus. While it’s a great honor to be chosen, the reality is that for high stats kids you can still have a fabulous experience at UA even if you aren’t part of CBHP or UFE.</p>

<p>I’m a semifinalist too! I’ve got my phone interview… well any minute now actually :slight_smile: Does anyone have any idea how many of the semifinalists are invited to the campus to interview on Feb 25/26?</p>

<p>whoops, didnt see that my question had already been answered in a previous post. good luck everyone with their phone interviews!</p>

<p>Has anyone else had their phone interview yet? Any clue as to how it went?</p>

<p>Mine felt a bit awkward, but I guess we’ll wait and see…</p>

<p>DS got his call at the end of the 90 min window last night. Said it lasted about 7 mins and he thought it went pretty well but who knows! </p>

<p>Good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>My son had his about 30 minutes into the 90 min window. It lasted about 15-20 minutes. He was happy with it. I mean, it was like a conversation to him. We’ll see what happens! :)</p>

<p>D’s interview was about 10 minutes into the window and lasted just over 10 min. When I asked her how it went, she replied ‘OK I guess’.
We will see!!</p>

<p>Oh good, I’m not the only one! Ha. Mine was a little awkward too.</p>