Fellows Semi Finalist

<p>So, if the past is any predictor of the future, when should people start hearing about UFE? Anybody know?</p>

<p>^Oops. Sorry. I just found the answer on another UFE thread! The answer from m2ck is “normally in late January.” So, that’s pretty soon – as in maybe tomorrow, if things are done the same way this year. :)</p>

<p>According to the original application on mybama: ‘University Fellows Experience finalists will be notified of that status by Monday, January 31, 2011. Approximately 10% of applicants will be invited to the UFE Finalist Interview Weekend in February.’</p>

<p>^Oh. Surprise. Has anybody been notified yet? My son hasn’t heard anything.</p>

<p>No word yet (either way) for my son.</p>

<p>I don’t think the CBH notifications have gone out yet. Decisions were still being made last week.</p>

<p>We still haven’t heard anything either way. (DS is checking Crimson e-mail every day.) I just received a very kind PM from another member, encouraging us not to pin all our hopes on UFE, because Bama has so much else to offer and so many great opportunities even without UFE.</p>

<p>^Yeah, no doubt. There are so many great programs. I would say Bama’s Honors opportunities are the best-suited to my son’s interests out of all the colleges he’s looking at. They’re a huge selling point – whether it’s CBHP, UFE, University Honors, etc. Tons of great options! So we’re certainly not hanging our hats on any one program.</p>

<p>Very true that there are many other opportunities outside of UFE and CBH.</p>

<p>Frankly, I really wish Bama would have a Pre-Health Honors program. I did mention the idea to Dr. Sharpe late last spring. However, I wasn’t able to follow-up as I wanted because then my dad fell seriously ill and then passed…so I was spending a bunch of time in Calif.</p>

<p>I really hope to get back with him on this issue because I really think it would be good for Bama to have a well-coordinated Pre-health honors program that works well with Pre-health advising and pre-health societies on campus.</p>

<p>Mom2CollegeKids, I am so sorry about your dad. :frowning: :-(</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>I really do need to talk to the Honors College again about this issue.</p>

<p>Mom2collegekids, We were wondering if you know how the semifinalists will be notified of their status regarding the UFE? In a previous email to her CA she was told finalists would be notified by letter by the end of January. Since it appears interviews were conducted through Wednesday evening, would letters have been mailed to OOS students by regular mail in time to be received tomorrow? Are regret letters also sent? The email said to contact Mrs. Bridgers if she hasn’t heard anything by February 1st, but we hesitate to call without knowing what to expect. We have been so impressed with everyone in the Honor’s Program, and don’t want to call unnecessarily. Do you know what we should expect? Of course we are hoping she will be a finalist.</p>

<p>I got my outright rejection letter yesterday. It went a little something like, “The vast majority of applicants are not selected to be semifinalists. You are one of those people.”</p>

<p>I figured I wouldn’t get it since my debate coach of 4 years (who apparently writes such good recommendations that on-the-fence people get into Haverford, Williams, Brown, etc.) forgot to write my rec and my grades weren’t that high anyway. I care a lot more about CBH. In reference to earlier posts, our region’s rep was at my school Thursday and called the HC for me. CBH hadn’t made its decisions at that point.</p>

<p>Sorry to hear that, but perhaps your news will be better regarding CBH. Our daughter is waiting to hear if she is a finalist for UFE and we are wondering how notifications will be delivered for finalists and non-finalists for UFE. Best of luck on CBH!</p>

<p>Last year the finalists were notified by regular mail. After the finalists weekend, the acceptances were also delivered by regular mail. Good luck everyone! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Thanks. We were wondering if the decisions either way were mailed in time for OOS students to receive them by the end of the month. The email suggested she would hear something by the end of January. Just wondering whether she should really expect to hear tomorrow.</p>

<p>^^oh my gosh, crazyinalabama! That doesn’t sound very nice, does it? lol (but not at your expense) “The vast majority of applicants are not selected to be semifinalists, and you are one of those people?!” That’s sad and funny at the same time. It just doesn’t sound very nice to me! Well, thanks for the warning. We’ll be prepared to chuckle when son’s letter comes in.</p>

<p>I’m sorry you weren’t selected for UFE. As you noted, CBHP is a totally awesome deal. I hope you find that when it comes to CBHP, you AREN’T “one of those people!” :)</p>

<p>I do remember that last year people on this forum got their letters at slightly different times. Sometimes I think Tuscaloosa has the slowest mail service anywhere! It seems to take forever for things to get to or from there!</p>

<p>Thanks. The snow and ice storm means our winter break has been cancelled for the week in February when interviews are scheduled to be held. While they will allow excused absences, students and teachers are being asked to complete prearranged absence forms this week to allow the system to plan for the number of students and teachers who will be out. I guess we should plan to fill out this form just in case we do not receive word for a few days. Without the prearranged form, absences are unexcused. I’m going to choose to be optimistic that she will receive a letter bearing good news tomorrow!</p>

<p>The UFE rejection letters were sent out either Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning. I don’t remember the actual wording of the letter, but do know that over 600 applications were received this year and that all of the letters were personally signed by Dr. Morgan.</p>

<p>While UHE and CBHP are both excellent programs, they are by no means necessary to be happy and successful at UA. No matter if you get into one, both, or neither of the programs, I highly recommend that you search around for opportunities that interest you. One of the things I love most about UA is not just the variety of different programs and opportunities, but the willingness of faculty, staff, and fellow students to help you pursue your ambitions. Should you discover that something you really want to do isn’t offered at UA, people at UA will do everything in their power to make that something a reality.</p>