female dorms?

<p>Seeing the other thread I couldn't help but ask--any one have any information on the reputation of the female dorms on campus? Perhaps they don't have as strong of reputations as the males dorms, but of course, I could be entirely wrong on that count. Either way, is there anything you think is important to know about any particular hall? What makes them special?</p>

<p>Girl’s dorms definitely have less of a reputation than guy’s dorms, but each one has its own signature events, degree of rule enforcement, and room types/setups, etc. Unfortunately, I can’t really speak much for any of the other girls dorms since I only have a few girl friends who live in other dorms, but I can tell you a bit about Walsh and a couple others. </p>

<p>Walsh: Our rector is perhaps the least warm and fuzzy person on the planet, but she is willing to give out dorm funds for pretty much any event you want to hold for the dorm, including group trips to campus events, etc. There are a lot of fines, including for things like not recycling, since she’s really passionate about environmental issues. Rules are enforced much more than in guys’ dorms, but you can still get away with a lot if you’re smart about it. Not very close knit as a dorm- a little bit cliquey, but most of the people are pretty nice.</p>

<p>Pasquerilla West: I’ve heard horrible things about the rector- that she is bad with helping resolve conflict between residents and that she is really strict.</p>

<p>Breen Phillips: Have heard the rector is wonderful and I know they were really into the hall of the year competition last year.</p>

<p>Input: PW’s rector moved on last year to another job at another university, so there’s no input on the new rector’s opinion, rules, etc.</p>

<p>lyons–the rector has no sense of humor…poor morrissey</p>

<p>Walsh is the best location on campus hands down! with the best people too. I love it</p>

<p>Agreed. :)</p>

<p>if i go to ND i hope i’m in badin. My grandfather an my mother both lived there as students.</p>

<p>although… the only bad thing about it would be that my brother would live right across the quad!</p>

<p>if i get into nd i really dont care where i am. i’m at ND</p>

<p>unless it’s somehow old college lol…then i might be pis sed</p>

<p>My daughter lives in Welsh Family Hall, or Welsh Fam as they call it. The location is great. They like to say they are surrounded by 4 guys dorms, near Reckers, and south dining hall. They are part of the west quad which essentially means you live in a newer dorm, with elevators and AIR CONDITIONING! Believe me, it’s not a big deal for most of the year, but those first few weeks, it is great! The rooms are big and at least in Welsh Fam the spirit is good. I’ve heard that the dorms in west quad are akin to living in the “lap of luxury”! Not sure about that, but…</p>

<p>old college is the dorm for guys interested in going into the priesthood…so you should be safe lol</p>

<p>Each dorm has their own reputation, including good and bad things about it, but in the end no matter which dorm you live in you will end up loving it.</p>

<p>I live in BP (Breen-Phillips) and when I first found out I was disappointed, but I love it now. The location is great, if not the best on campus, with the library, NDH, Lafun all close by and nothing besides DPAC or the old student health center very far. The rooms are old and some are smaller than others, there arent many room options, the heaters sometimes cause the fire alarms to go off, but in all the place is great. The rector isnt very good, but I hear a rumor that she is leaving after this year so if you are applying you probably won’t have to deal with her. She was cool my freshman year, but has gotten progressively worse and more irritable as the years have gone on (I’m a senior now). We are known as the “fat” dorm due to our male predicessors, even though most people aren’t fat or anywhere close to being fat in the dorm. We embrace it; our mascot is the Babes and we always have food and snacks at dorm events. Even our signature event is the Meal Auction.</p>

<p>In all I love BP and am happy that I get to live in the “Best Place” on campus</p>

<p>I like Cavanaugh, but to be honest, I really can’t believe ND is supporting such a sexist stereotype; girls dorms can’t throw any sort of party, but RA’s definitely look the other way in guys’ dorms…it just seems so out-of-date to me, but that’s me</p>

I think you’ll find a very large majority of ND students are pleased with the dorm system. Not to say there couldn’t be improvements, but overall, I think they are happy with it. At least that’s what my S says. There are advantages to single-sex dorms and there are also advantages to the parties <em>not</em> being in your room!</p>