<p>You call them "elite" universities, I don't. Attending a school because it's "elite" is just about the worst reason to attend a school. You attend a school that best fits so you won't be stifled intellectually. How can you have any respect for those who want to attend a school to be elite? I have no problem with people who choose an Ivy if they are attracted to it for reasons other than prestige. (Especially entertaining are the threads by privileged CCers that effectively state, "omg omg, all my life privileged life I've been told by my culture to seek out the Ivies and now have one B on my transcript, what do I do, what do I do????")</p>
Why do you think elite universities attract the best students?
<p>I dunno, cultivation of the mind, perhaps? </p>
whether you care for it or not, it is fundamental to our culture and the ideologies of the Founding Fathers)
<p>No, that's social contract theory.</p>
there wouldn't be any elite colleges, since everything would be run by the government and all people would be on "equal" grounds. Where do you think private universities get their money?
<p>Where did I say I supported a State? Where did I say I supported forced redistribution? I was arguing for a (left) libertarian solution. Why the bloody hell do you people think I want to infringe upon the fundamental rights of the privileged? I don't. Rather, I advocate to use our liberties to better organise our resources to oust them.</p>
<p>I know it can happen, because I have successfully recruited friends for debate from the lower-income scale ... </p>
<p> [quote]
Did you hate the culture of privilege when you were still in it?
<p>Somewhat. I was ignorant of how lucky we were, and it retrospect I think the divorce can almost be a fortunate event because otherwise I would have remained a shallow and privileged individual .... I wouldn't want to know what I would be otherwise. But even then, I was already disenchanted </p>
making as little as $100k annually, which where I live, is purely middle class
<p>The family of my high school's valedictorian, who I consider to be quite privileged (as an observation, not a judgment), earns less than 76,000, (I know only because we were talking about the MIT tuition cap.) She already exhibits many traits of the middle class -- which btw I'm not passing judgment on, just observing. However, having traits of the middle class and having traits of the culture of privilege are quite different.</p>