I’m planning on going into engineering and was wondering more specifically what FIG’s are and if they are actually worth it. Or it somebody that has been in one, please tell me about your experience! Thanks!

My daughter chose the Internet and Society FIG and wound up getting a Certificate in Digital Studies because through the FIG she had already taken 3 of the 5 places needed for the certificate.

They say they are also nice because it’s the same 20 kids in the 3 classes.

I don’t have any experience about their value for someone in Engineering.

Don’t know how it works in engineering, but my Letters & Science kid took a FIG and said it was the single best introduction to college life, academically and socially. Had the same 20 kids in 3 of his classes, got to know one professor really well. Of all the things we nagged him about, that one he is grateful he listened to.

FIGs are worth it if you are a first year who do not know what to take and do not have many AP credits.
That being said, personally, I am neutral about FIG. It can put your schedule on conflict and I think it’s better to get rid of the requirements first.
That being said , FIG is a fantastic experience if none of your first semester classes are small. Fortunately, two of my classes had 19 and 6 people so FIG wouldn’t have helped me :wink: