<p>Can we estimate our 2008 tax return using 2007 on the FAFSA and then submit it to some schools with January deadline and then make correction after we receive our 2008 tax return? I email WUSTL and they told me I could use 2007 tax return to estimate it.</p>
<p>Sorry lol. I asked my sister and she told me I couldn’t make any corrections after we submitted it so I had to make sure.</p>
<p>Your sister is - um - misinformed.</p>
<p>Their school doesn’t require FAFSA till like May or something. I felt like I know so much more than they do after applying to so many school rather than just the one near our home.</p>
<p>uhh… it only allow 10 schools?</p>
<p>My understanding (we didn’t have more than 10 ) is that you enter the 1st 10, make sure it is processed, wait a few days then go back and delete those schools and put the additional ones. Of course when you correct taxes etc you will have to make sure you also send the corrections to the original schools.</p>
<p>Thanks a lot! I hope the 2008 tax return will be the same.</p>