Filling out Extracurriculars on Commonapp?

<p>Hey, guys.</p>

<p>I'm currently filling out my transfer common application section for extracurriculars.</p>

<p>My high school never had any varsity teams, however I was captain of an amateur soccer team that would compete with other amateur teams every summer.</p>

<p>Question: Should I consider putting down the fact that I was captain of a non varsity team on my extracurricular section? Will it hurt my chances because it is a non varsity team?</p>

<p>Putting something is better than putting nothing.</p>

<p>Select the extracurricular from the drop down list that most closely matches your activity.
In this case under the “Honors Earned, Titles Held…” section briefly say something along the lines of this:</p>

<p>Captain of (intramural/amateur) soccer team. High school did not offer varsity sports.</p>

<p>Some club teams can be more competitive than HS Varsity teams; give the AOs some idea of the level of the team.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot guys. Will definitely put it as an extracurricular.</p>

<p>Hey, Guys.</p>

<p>I play five instruments. Should I list the instruments separately in the common app activities section or Should I group them together as one?</p>

<p>Also, I was a foreign language translator in my high school. Should I list this as an extracurricular?</p>

<p>Any help will be much appreciated.</p>

<p>daniel, didn’t you list these when you filled out the CA as a fr? The activities section is pretty much the same for transfers except for the different timeframe.</p>

<p>Eh, I unfortunately forgot how I listed everything back in high school.</p>

<p>For the instruments, it kinda depends on how significant an effort you have placed in playing them. For instance, if all are at a cursory level, they should be placed together, but if you have strong accomplishments in some of them, they should be listed separately.</p>

<p>Yes, you can list translating as an EC.</p>

<p>well I practice each and every one of them everyday. In other words I put a lot of time into them despite the fact that I never perform live. I’ll most probably put them separately due to the massive amount of time I put into them.</p>