Film Major as Interdisciplinary through the Art Dept

Does anyone have any knowledge or experience with this major? Is it good? Is there opportunity for internships? Any information would be appreciated. It doesn’t seem to have much of a reputation so reaching out for any info. Thanks.

@filmandhistory I had not heard of this major nor the Art Department so I had to check it out. It actually appears to be under the English Department in CHASS. I wish I could give you more information, but thank you for bringing it to our attention. Keep us posted on what you find out! I have some friends in film majors at different universities so this was interesting to discover.
You’ve probably already read the information under their FAQs and their FB group. But, just in case, here is the link:

Thanks for the reply. If you look on this page you can see where it says it is through Art Studies (not Art Dept, sorry about that).

"To declare a film major, apply on line in the MyPack Portal–Film Studies (LRT-F) is a major within Arts Studies, which is within CHASS. "

And there is also an English major with a Film Concentration.

Hi, this is late so I hope it’s still useful to you.

There are two ways to get a film major, both of which are in CHASS. English with a concentration in Film and Art Studies with a concentration in film. With the English major you will need to take a English core of a few literature, linguistic and writing classes. It’s more of an emphasis on writing I believe. The Art Studies major will require an arts core so to speak, like a few history and production classes. There is a lot of overlap in that sense, the only real difference being whether or not you have to take literature or history classes.

If you’d like to know all the differences I recommend googling ‘ncsu eight semester display Art Studies film’ or ‘English major film ncsu eight semester’ or something along those lines and compare. I’ve only taken one film class at State so far but I loved it, the faculty really love what they do and they love the majors.