Film school advice

My DC has been accepted to 4 film programs. DePaul, Ithaca, Syracuse and RIT. The cost of DePaul and Ithaca with merit comes out to be slightly more that our in-state option. RIT 10k more than that, and Syracuse is double DePaul and Ithaca. My DC would be happy at any of them, but would prefer Syracuse.

My question is, are any of these programs head and shoulders above the others? There are so many different film school lists and the rankings on each vary. I think Syracuse is probably out due to cost unless there is an overwhelming advantage to their program. Basically just looking for any feedback.

Thanks in advance!

From what I’ve seen, DePaul or Ithaca would be nicely equivalent to Syracuse for film.


What type of film does your student want to do? Narrative filmmaking? Documentary? Experimental?

What type of job would your student want to pursue? Cinematography? Editing? Animator?

These questions mean one school may be the best fit for your student or they may all offer what your student is looking for.

I would not simply use Hollywood Reporter and assume 6th place is better than 9th place for any given student as some are great for one thing and not as good for something else.

I assume Newhouse not the other film path at Syracuse. They are quite different! Feel free to PM me.

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Yes, at Syracuse they seem to have two competing degree programs operating out of separate schools, but with some course overlap between them. The BFA requires no less than 17 courses more than half of which are taught in the communications school (Newhouse.) If that’s a little too much, you can also apply for the Television, Radio and Film major - also out of Newhouse, but it’s a B.S. degree.

TBH, I found the Syracuse website a little baffling; they talk about majors, departments and “schools” at times interchangeably and at other times, as though they were completely different things. I went to a LAC - everyone graduated with a B.A…

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Syracuse offers a semester in LA I believe senior year. What this does is require you to have an internship working in industry in LA film business and set you up for a job when you graduate. I think that would potentially help make that film degree more valuable when looking at ROI so I’d look into it. congrats on all the acceptances!

I think maybe DePaul has something like this too…


awesome! I’d just look into programs like that that can really help set up for future.

Yes, DePaul also has a mandatory semester in LA for film students.

Lots of movies and shows being filmed in Chicago as well. A friend’s son is a film student at DePaul and has had some amazing experiences.

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Ithaca offers this as well.

My daughter wants to major in cinematography and production, but did not apply to any of the “big” schools for this… nothing in California, and nothing in NYC.

She applied to: American University, BU, Columbia College in Chicago, DePaul, Drexel, Emerson, Indiana, Quinnipiac, Syracuse, Temple, Boulder, UT Austin (which she will NEVER get into!), Ithaca, U of Arizona, and UC Denver…

Any feedback on these schools/programs would be appreciated…

My son is in his first year at Ithaca majoring in Cinema and absolutely loves it. He applied to many of the same schools as your daughter, but in the end it came down to DePaul and Ithaca. While the DePaul program was very impressive, the campus was not what he was looking for. The film school is downtown and not on the main campus, so it requires going back and forth on public transportation. Also, most students move out of the dorms after Freshman year, so the campus felt more like a commuter school. As for Ithaca, students live on campus for at least 3 years so there is definitely a community vibe. He is very happy with his choice.


Thank you for posting. My DD will have to choose her program too this year and right now, her best offers have been DePaul and Ithaca, so it helps reading different feedbacks.

Thanks for the feedback!! This is really helpful!!