<p>I'll be at the University of Akron, sure it seems like a lower type of school compared to where many of you on this board are heading, but i like it. Anyways..where is everyone else going?</p>
<p>Stanford...(it was actually my parents' idea, not exactly mine...but oh well)</p>
<p>Johns Hopkins...Blue Jays '09!</p>
<p>Notre Dame!</p>
<p>Columbia '09!!!</p>
<p>Boston University School of Music!</p>
<p>Duke for me as well :)</p>
<p>3 in row. Cya at Duke in the Fall :)</p>
<p>im starting to look like a real loser on my own thread lol</p>
<p>"im starting to look like a real loser on my own thread lol"</p>
<p>People probably are more willing to post on this if they have a college they can brag about (I'll be honest, that includes me)</p>
<p>Princeton......... go tigers!!!</p>
<p>NYU '09!!!</p>
<p>Go VioLets!! (What the f.. hah)</p>
<p>This is depressing.</p>
<p>OK, I'm going to have to turn this into a list:</p>
<p>beantown4- University of Akron
tanonev- Stanford
asdfTT123- Johns Hopkins
andrew1218- Notre Dame
jaug1- Columbia
fiddlefrog- Boston U School of Music
sempitern555- Duke
leejwwc- Duke
Majayiduke09- Duke
adides- Princeton
pr5- NYU
warblersrule86- Duke</p>
<p>4 for Duke so far! :D</p>
<p>NYU violets???</p>
<p>warblers, I thought you were headed to WFU??? :</p>
<p>It's a really long story...To be short, I was, but I'm going to Duke now. They re-offered my spot (~2 weeks ago) with a lot more money. Confusing, I know. :o</p>
<p>me too...but im out of state. UVAAA!!!!!!!!!! GO WAHOOOOOOOOOS</p>
<p>One HellUVA School <---all of you UVA'ers buy this shirt, because its so cool</p>