Final MT Decisions Background - Class of 2025

omg you made my say YET AGAIN!! thank you for that!!! her voice teacher is sooo happy she’s doing VP. she really thinks my dd is made for doing operettas and that VP is a great fit for her. and i didn’t mention all the ways wagner checks the boxes for us. closer to home, near the city but still on a sweet campus etc etc. thank you’n


YES! Literally burst into happy tears! I am so flipping excited for your girl! This journey has been made easier for me because of your insight, encouragement and wicked humor! I am so happy she’s found her place and wish her every single bit of happiness she can hold! :notes: :heartpulse: :raised_hands:t5:


@dharmawins Congrats!!! Great story and sooo important for future students to consider their material. My D had a similar experience a year ago. Was married to audition material (and prescreen) and just wasn’t getting results. Did some soul searching and made some changes and voila, got several 2nd half acceptances. It all worked out but she might have been shut out or had very limited options without the changes. Funny (now) because her audition coach was leery about her prescreen songs. She performed them well but he thought they might not resonate that well. Turns out he was right. Takes a strong person to reinvent themselves while in the midst.

Super Congrats!

Congratulations dharmawins!

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So incredibly excited for your girl! Thanks for being my moral support too, and thanks for sharing your story! What a journey! Congrats!


Congratulations !! LOVE the morals of the story part !


I had no idea I was a support to you, I’m so glad to hear it. Let us know your final decision story! I love reading them!!!


Congratulations!!! What a great perfect end to this crazy journey!!!


Thank you so much!!! Have you reached a final decision yet? I cannot keep track of these things!!

NO!! We are just starting our visit this week…planning on 5-6. My boys have just been so busy with other productions/senior activities. It will be planes, trains and automobiles!!! :crazy_face:


Congratulations! Such a great story to share. It definitely sounds like she found her home. All the best to her!

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how kind of you! thank you so much!!

thank you so very much! how kind of you! and congratulations to your son!!! whew! what a journey we have all endured

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thank you!!!

Congratulations @allfour1 @dharmawins @Stressedoutmama1 !!!


Congratulations to your daughter!!! What a fantastic story! Her story is my favorite kind to read, how the straight line took a turn and brought her to something different but an unexpected perfect fit!

And just wanted to take the time to say thank you to you directly as well; your positivity and warmth is so uplifting and always made me look forward to reading your posts in the forum :hugs:


aw thanks!!!

I love hearing these stories roll out! Congrats @dharmawins @allfour1 and @Stressedoutmama1 !

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YES, wish we had more people posting here!

Congratulations on finishing and what a wild ride! I often compare this process to having kids. You can read all the books and know what’s coming but nothing can truly prepare you for your specific experience and how it feels!