final schedule help

<p>so im stuck between two classes ta and ap statistics. I really want to take TA as that is the one that appeals to me more but at the same time stats is weighted and therefore it looks like i have more course rigor. Without Stats, i would still have 3/6 weighted classes ( AP Gov/Econ, AP English, and AP Physics B). Basically I have to weigh my happiness against getting into a decent college. Advice?</p>


<p>If you think AP Stats will make you miserable, don’t take it. But if you think you can endure it, I’d honestly go for that. Unless you’'re already in an AP Calc, in which case the TA will probably be okay. It sounds like you know the issue-- what matters to you more, afun class or a better-looking application and possible GPA boost?</p>

<p>Taking 3 APs is already really good! I know a lot of people feel the need to fill their schedules with APs, but honestly, I feel that if you take the classes you enjoy, you’ll come out all the better for it.
I personally would choose to TA instead of taking AP Stat, but in the end, it’s your choice. Good luck!</p>

<p>thanks for the advice guys, and emerald, i took AP Calculus this year as a junior so stats would be my only math class next year if i take it.</p>