Finally-UW College of the Arts

<p>The arts at UW have been too low profile forever and I have blamed much of that on the fact that arts programs are in different schools for no good reason other than history. They never had their own home and advocates. FINALLY it looks like it could happen.
Campus</a> Connection: UW-Madison pondering a new College of the Arts</p>

<p>nice i like it hahaha</p>

<p>I was sooooo excited when I read the news! And anybody have an idea of when will the college of arts be established? I’m a freshman right now and I’m so looking forward to graduate from the college of arts! not education or sohe!</p>

<p>Well, it’s a university with much faculty control–so maybe a year–or two. I’d bet on a year. The regents would have to approve it.</p>