<p>After enrolling into my classes, I just noticed that the finals time for two of my classes are only 1 minute apart!!!</p>
<p>Chem6A final ends at 2:29pm and Math20b starts at 3:30. </p>
<p>I really don't want to risk dropping the classes because I know now that every single class is booked and the wait lists are super long. I got into Math20b and am #4 on the wait list for Chem6A. </p>
<p>I don't know where the official finals location is for both classes...are they usually the same as the class it self? And college finals usually made of all 200 lecture students or is it by discussion groups? If they take place in the lecture halls, I have to get from York to Center Hall in 1 minute! If they take place in discussion rooms, that's a bit better...they're both in warren lecture hall. So from your experience...are finals usually proctored in the lecture or discussion halls? </p>
<p>Also...how lenient are professors in allowing the students to take a final with another class? Or leaving early...coming in late?</p>