Finance Masters or Ph.D. with Economics/Math Background?

I’m currently an undergraduate earning a degree in Econ and Math. I am planning on applying to Economics graduate programs in the fall, but was also considering Finance. I was wondering what my chances are at finance programs with such a background (Masters in Finance, finance PhD type stuff. Not MBA)? What schools might be attainable? Any advice on if I stand a chance at Econ graduate programs is also welcome.

Nationally ranked state research university (Not very well ranked, but not some no name regional school)
GRE: 169/161 (Q/V)
GPA: 3.15
Econ GPA: 3.9 (with grad econometrics)
Math GPA: 3.0ish (Calc 1/2/3 linear algebra all A- range. Lots of proof courses, 50 some odd semester hours in total)
Solid LORs, nothing super fancy but professors with ivy league educations. One I did some regional research under, not journal worthy though.

Having the Mathematics degree will be a plus for Finance. Without knowing the schools you are interested in, any predictions are meaningless…