Financial Aid/Admissions Decision

<p>I called financial aid today because according to their website they had not received all the
information they needed. I called and was able to straighten this situation out-they had
the material all along but didnt look carefully. My question: Because they havent started
to review my financial aid materials yet does that mean I didnt get admitted because my
understanding is that they cant review all the financial aid applications within 3 days of
accepatance decision. Thanks for any feedback.</p>

<p>Cornell does not determine you admission based on your stance on financial aid. At least, that’s what it says on the website…So long as you get accepted they will arrange it for you.</p>

<p>I would not be too worried. Your finaid stuff comes in early january.</p>

<p>they SAY acceptance is need blind, but i have always been skeptical. especially with the way the economy is turning these days and cornell’s boasting of revamped ‘debt free’ fin aid to students in need, my honest and humble opinion is that admission is always slightly affected by the ability (or lack thereof) to pay the tuition. </p>

<p>as cornell continues to advertise its new and improved fin aid of poorer students (which are the minority), the average student here (of middle class background) has remarkably little opportunity to get help- they have to compensate elsewhere, right? my family makes more than the threshold to get aid- even though we can’t really afford cornell- with 2 other college siblings and a father coming off of 2 years of disability after a car accident- and yet the only thing i have been told that is available to me is non-need based loans of up to a … get this… WHOPPING 7500 dollars per year!.. on something like 7-8% interest compounded from the day i sign up for it.</p>