Financial Aid Fall 2020


Has anyone had problems with their financial aid at FIT? We’re already in October and I haven’t received my finacial aid package. I’ve been paying out of pocket for 3 months already and I don’t know if I can continue paying this much.

When I went online for financial aid assistance, the only contact information they have are emails. I’ve attempted to call and I’m redirected to a voicemall or told to email. Each time time they reply, they always say they wouldn’t know but it would most likely be 2-3 weeks… it’s been 2-3 weeks for over 2 months now!!!

I really don’t know what to do. FIT keeps telling me to wait but with covid I don’t have anymore funds. I really relied on my financial aid .

FIT is basically broke and they have no money to give students refunds. I was supposed to get an advance but my counselor explained to me that since everything is online FIT is making significantly less money so now everything is all dried up.

@hellokittyhunny Will they still issue refunds? I recently got my Pell Grant so now some of the tution I paid is suppose to be returned. I hope FIT bounces back from CO-VID.

What ever happened to the emergancy grants FIT emailed in August? I understood the grant came from the remainder of the Cares Act Grant.