My family’s income is US$60,000, not including income tax. That is low enough for a full-ride at Harvard and several other universities, according to their admissions websites. Would a full-ride be the same case at Penn, if I get accepted?
Note that I’m Canadian. According to the the Penn website, even though they’re need-aware for international students, there’s an exception for permanent residents in Canada in which they are need-blind.
It’ll be close to a full ride, but depends on the tax forms your parents would need to submit. Based on your expected family contribution, it could be a full-ride or it could be something like a marginal fee every year (a couple thousand USD). Depends on a number of factors, e.g., how many dependents your family supports, whether they own any fixed assets, have outstanding debt, etc.
Honestly, at any Ivy+ school don’t worry about the financials. Once you get in, they’ll look at your FAFSA and figure out a way to get you to attend.