Financial aid for the undocumented . . .

<p>So I get it that everyone has the right to pursue higher education but I don't get why California finds it more critical to provide financial aid to "undocumented" students" when kids of middle-class California taxpayers are ineligible for aid; and if they do attend college, many graduate burdened with debt. Meanwhile, classes in California state colleges/universities are cut because the state is broke.</p>

<p>I’m not saying I do, or don’t, agree, but I saw a story once that claimed that UD workers actually pay more than their fair share in taxes compared to native workers. I have no idea if it is true of not, but I guess I could see that with people not claiming tips, getting paid under the table, or cheating on their taxes etc it could be possible.</p>

<p>Then, if it is true I think the argument is that they are entitled to the same benefits since they pay the same taxes. Again, that is the argument but I have no idea if those stats were verified.</p>

<p>TV, btw, the IRS indicates that they pay BILLIONS in EICs to undocumented workers, and have no authority to stop doing so. I dont buy that they pay more taxes v services they use.</p>

<p>I think the problem with giving aid to undocumented students is that their parents are mostly undocumented as well…which means they are often “paid under the table” . so, when they’re asked to fill out any aid forms, do you really think they’re going to list their cash income? uh…no.</p>

<p>TV4caster: Like you say, there is no way of verifying the truth to that claim. But as an immigrant who jumped through all the hoops to become legally documented, and one who pays all required taxes, I find it irritating that our tax dollars reward those who don’t follow the rules. My child will get $0 in aid. The state is in financial crisis and have to cut funding to public schools as it is, and yet there is more concern that undocumented students have access to aid. And the problem is that those who make such an observation are often labeled as “racist” or “intolerant”.</p>

<p>Here is a link to what I think was the article that I read.</p>