<p>Okay so my mom got denied the parent plus loan so they gave me the four thousand. My efc is 0 but i only have 15,145 total in aid. I need twenty four thousand total. What can I do. I dont have any where else to get the money for school. We cant get any loan we have no one to cosign. Please help me</p>
<p>Sorry, but it sounds like this school isn’t affordable. You can call the school up and tell them your situation, but if they can’t give you more money then you can’t attend this school.</p>
<p>Your situation isn’t uncommon. It’s the reason that many, many low income students commute from home and go to their local state school or CC. There isn’t a magic source of money out there to fund room and board costs…which is approx the amount that you’re missing.</p>
Do you have other schools that are local?</p>
<p>First of all, will you be commuting or living on campus? If you plan to live on campus, is it possible for you to live at home & commute? </p>
<p>Add up your “real” costs without room & board … tuition and fees. How much does this total? I bet it’s less than your aid. If so, you can afford it if you live at home (or with a nearby relative??). If not, add in the room & board. How much short are you now?</p>
<p>I understand your disappointment if you cannot afford UT. I used to work at a school with many low income students who could not afford to live on campus - our aid policies assisted students with affording tuition & fees, but we didn’t have enough money to help with housing. The school where I worked was similar to UT, and I am sure they have similar policies.</p>
<p>An option would be to attend a CC for two years. Work really hard to have great grades. Talk to an academic advisor to schedule only classes that will transfer toward a degree at UT. Check this link for info regarding transfer scholarships:[The</a> University of Toledo - Adult, Transfer and Military Admissions](<a href=“http://www.utoledo.edu/admission/transfer/scholarships/index.html]The”>Page Redirected).</p>
<p>Sounds like you are out of state, then? You can’t afford this school, so time to go to plan B. Community College, unless you want to take a gap year and reapply to schools where you can afford to attend.</p>