Financial Aid-Loan links?

<p>Looking for a few suggestions with some good links to:
1. equity source-based loans
2. low-interest non-subsidized loans
3. Other good non-scholarship funding sources.</p>

<p>Have already done FAFSA, etc and rec'd loans/grants from schools.</p>

<p>WUSTL has a great program for equity-based payments of tuition, but Stanford does not -- looking to replicate it.</p>

<p>I read all of the Fin Aid links on the main site and the discussion forms, but none had specific actionable links that I could go to to shop for rates, etc. I bank w/ Citi and know they have some programs but am looking for others.</p>

<p>Bump. Perhaps this post appeared too general for a reply. I am pretty familiar with PLUS, Stafford, etc., but am looking for other options if anyone knows of private lender programs. The model would be the WUSTL program "PEP" which allows you to finance a college education via an equityline mortgage on your home, including all 4 years at one time, at a competitive rate. I have not seen anything similar at other schools (Stanford, Brown in particular). Does anyone know of similar programs or other alternatives?</p>

<p>aw c'mon. surely someone out there has some expertise in this to share? no?</p>