<p>I received my tentative financial aid package (online) and it's pretty good... just not good enough for me. Does anyone think that UM ever increases one's financial aid offer after reviewing the additional household information sheet and the 2004 tax returns???</p>
<p>lol i also got my financial aid package and i got a WHOLE 2600 in loans! yea i think i'm just gonna decline the aid.</p>
<p>If I click on the FinAid link and nothing comes up, does that mean i've been rejected?</p>
<p>a27- I dont think so. </p>
<p>My twin bro was accepted later than me and he got his finanicial aid stuff in today.</p>
<p>I got accepted nearly a month before and I still havent heard. I think Michigan starts sending things out on a rolling basis in March.</p>