Financial aid question

<p>I am a junior starting to search for colleges. I am building my list now. I am an international student who needs a lot of Financial aid. So can you guys check out my list to see if those schools are typically generous with international students. Any other suggestions will be greatly appreciated.</p>

St. Lawrence</p>

<p>forget about Tufts. They’re notoriously stringent about international financial aid. The others I don’t know about, sorry.</p>

<p>it would be more helpful if you listed some basic academic stats too. cause here we can only comment on their general aid policies.</p>

<p>Any more suggestions ??</p>

<p>here are my stats:</p>

<p>9th grade GPA: 8.0/10 (it’s considered A where I went to)</p>

<p>My GPA in sophomore year was 9.2/10</p>

<p>Junior year GPA: 4.0 (unweighted, my school does not have weighted GPA)
No ranking but I think I am in top 5%</p>

<p>Will be a repeat junior at a academically rigorous small private school, one of the best ones in the region.</p>

<p>Score this year so far: AP Cal BC: B, AP Physics C:Mechanics: B-, Spanish 1: A+, English 11: A, Biology: A, Choir: A, Wind Ensemble: A.</p>

<p>AP Cal AB score: 4 (Too bad)</p>

<p>Aim SAT score as 2150 (PSAT is 168, really bad). SAT II will be Math II: hope will be 700 at least and about 2 more, have not decided yet.</p>

<p>Extra curricular:
Soccer team of class: 6,7,8,9,10
Soccer Varsity:grade 11
AFCVN soccer club: grade 10
News translator
Club In Vietnam grade 8,9,10
Young leader club:grade 10
Singing club:grade:10
Choir:grade 11
CATCH program:grade 11
Piano class:8 years
French horn: 1 years
FIRST Robotics: grade 11
Community service club: grade 11
Community service trip to Costa Rica: grade 11 (Feb 2009)</p>

Best GPA at school : Grade 10
Best final exams record: Grade 10
First Prize at School’s English Olympiad: Grade 10
Victoria scholarhship: grade 10
High honor roll: grade 11
Best Physical project in Science Fair:grade 11
Highest honor in Chemistry:grade 11
High honor in Maths:grade 11
Nominated for National Honor Society: grade 11
Nominated for National Young Leader Conference: grade 11</p>

<p>Leadership: Head of School’s Youth Union:Grade 10</p>

<p>Any comments ??</p>

<p>u need to broaden the scope of your research.the list is a decent one but in the end u’d probably apply to only three in the list. look for places along the lines of fnm, gettysburg, st. lawrence, etc as ed options. search more. Know exactly what the aid policies are. i left out atleast three colleges on ur list cause they didnt have enough aid. these things keep changing. so know ur stuff.</p>

<p>Thanks. Why do you say that in the end I would probably apply to only 3 on the list ??</p>

<p>What colleges did you left out ??</p>

<p>Any suggestions on schools that I should look at ?</p>

<p>You see in the end, from my perspective the aid givers are saint lawrence (a relative safety, pointinng out there is no such thing as a safety when you are asking for aid), and hamilton, Vassar, Lafayette, Bowdoin and Darthmouth (all equally difficult to get in so lets call them reaches, whatever scores you get they will remain reaches). And it is not advisable to apply to 5 or 6 reaches. hats what i meant when i said three.
How much aid do you need. Give a percentage? TUfts, Hofstra why do you put them in the list?</p>

<p>THe more the better. My contribution can be about 7k/year.</p>

<p>So I already crossed Tufts out. Hofstra is not that generous too ??</p>

<p>So what other schools do you suggest me to add on my list for further research ??</p>

<p>Any suggestions on schools that I should add onto my list ?</p>

<p>The key is to apply early to one of the schools with a lot of aid, and where there will be relatively less competition. Then you can apply to a few rolling admission places too(i am talking like November). Some of them have 3 or 4 full rides each year. but they gie them away early. You’ll have to research them. Try Hendrix, Whittenberg, etc.</p>

<p>well there is F&M, Gettysburg, Dickinson, Trinity University,
Go one level higher and you have MAcalester, Hamilton, Lafayette, Bowdoin
But these things keep changing. do your own research. When deciding early D1 college, make sure the college awards aid to early d international candidates b ecause some just dont.</p>

<p>I dont know about hofstra. Let me check</p>

<p>Thanks. I think I will try ED at Dartmouth ( I know it’s a huge rich but they are need blind so if I get in, I will get full ride). What do you think ?</p>

<p>I will try to do some more researches on Dickinson, F&M,m and Gettysburg. Do you know any more school on the east side that are similar ??</p>

<p>Let me know abut hofstra when you find out about it</p>

<p>Please note that there are very few schools (probably about 6 or so and only the top tier of colleges) that give full aid to international students. Dartmouth is one of them; Hofstra is not. Hofstra doesn’t even promise to meet 100% of need for domestic students, much less international.</p>

<p>Thanks Chedva.
nns91 as you probably see why take a risk with such a college(Hofstra). try those who say in their sites that we will meet the full demonstrated need of all accepted students.
Hofstra does have a lot of full tuition scholarships. Ask details by e-mailing them. For instance, do they cover rooom an board, etc. and how many international students per year get these scholarships.
This Darthmouth decision i cant make for you. Applying ED at Darthmouth helps only a little in the admssion chances. But applying early d 1 to say F&M could swing it even</p>

<p>And remember getting in to any American Uni with aid is very very difficult. Dont underestimate the difficulty.
Make the right choices. And you have a better shot.</p>

<p>Other colleges which cover all need if they accept you (not need blind)
Wesleyan University
Wellesley, Mount Holyoke, Smith (if you are a girl)
Amherst, williams, mIddlebury (very difficult to get into but need blind)
there is also bates. easier to get in if you are a fit.</p>

<p>Thanks. Yeah, I understand that getting in an US college with aid is really hard, even harder as an international student. Thus, I have been researching for more than 2 years now. I have come down to those schools after reviewing and talking with people I know, except about hofstra. I just kinda did it on my own in case of hofstra.</p>

<p>I know there is a full scholarship at Wesleyan but it is really competitive. I have to see if I can go for it or not. </p>

<p>I should check bates out. I know a guy who got in there 2 years ago. One reason I have not looked into Bates is because there are so many kids from my country applying there every year.</p>

<p>ANy more comments ??</p>