Financial aid? Scholar-in-residence?

<p>So, I'm an international student and I just got admitted into Geneseo a couple of days ago. Geneseo has offered me the $5000 merit scholarship but even with this, I'm still about $9000 short of being able to pay for all the costs. I was just wondering if Geneseo offers employment opportunities or loans or any other form of aid for international students? Also, if you received the Scholar-in-residence scholarship, would it be specified in your acceptance e-mail or...?</p>

<p>If you read other posts about financial aid for international students, you’ll notice that aid is almost non-existent. As a student with a “student” visa, you would not be allowed to work in the US without a work visa. With loans, you can apply to private banks in your country. Most of the “student” loans in the US are available to US citizens only since they are subsidized by government agencies. The SUNY Geneseo FA office may know of other options, but SUNY is in a state school system and their student fees continue to rise while their state funding continues to decrease, meaning most monies would not be made available to international students.</p>