Financial Aid

So I got my financial aid recently and I was wondering how it works. I checked online and it says that tuition for each term is $22,310 and I’m guessing there are two terms total in one academic year. So the awards page is split into two sections with two subtotals. If I got around $20,000 as grant for Fall 2015/UDAY and Spring 2016/UDAY would that make the total of the grant I receive for the year around $40,000? I’m just getting really paranoid because that seems like a lot to give away and I’m scared that I might have read it wrong and don’t want my parents to end up paying a lot more than they thought they would. I’d appreciate any input because I really can’t stop thinking about it. Thank you!!

Sounds like you’ve got it right. If you’re an incoming freshman (ie, high school senior right now), they should make something available on that page called like the Financial Aid Disclosure statement which breaks it down nice and easy.

Would you have any idea how I could find the Financial Aid Disclosure Statement? It would really help my dad get a sense of how much he has to pay. I’m looking on my neu account and I can’t seem to find it anywhere.

It should under myNEU, self-service tab, under financial aid status. On the front page of the financial aid status was the disclosure statement, I think (this is all from memory so it might be wrong).

I’m also able to access it from the admissions portal. Google “northeastern admissions portal”, go to NU admissions website, click “check my application status”, type in your info, and when you get to the accepted screen click the Financial Aid tab on the left side of the screen. That should have all the info. The last page of that document had my disclosure statement.

Oh, ok I found it! Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!

If you’re everuncertain and want confirmation, you can always call the financial aid office or email your financial aid counselor.