Financial aid?

<p>Is there any way for me to check that the fin aid office has gotten all of the required fin aid stuff?</p>

<p>I guess you could call them and ask them? They haven’t been too good about fin aid stuffs…>_></p>

<p>I received a letter about a week and half ago telling me that they needed one more item to complete my application. Therefore, I’d assume that if your financial aid application is complete, they won’t tell you that it’s complete. They’ll just have you assume that no response means completed application.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if we will receive financial aid awards when we check our decisions this evening? I mean, online notifications are great, but not receiving a financial aid award with it can be a bit troublesome.</p>

<p>I dont think so. I got an email from a kind lady in the fin aid office asking if I wanted to submit a form with my estimated 2009 income level. They want to use the my families 2009 income to determine my award. This makes me think that they are still doing fin aid packages.</p>

<p>Machiavelli12, </p>

<p>Do NOT sweat the financial stuff, unless your predisposed to generational wealth.</p>

<p>Understand the school’s policies regarding income and contribution and you will do fine.</p>

<p>Be firm in your decision and your comittment.</p>

<p>Come and paint your political strategies onto our hallowed walls.</p>

<p>Hahaha are you a student at Williams, HorseRadish?</p>