Financial help please

<p>I really need some advice! Everyone just keeps telling me "I don't know what to do"</p>

<p>So I am a senior from California, and I was accepted into Purdue University for an Undecided major. My cost of attendance is $42,048.00.</p>

<p>I qualify for the following for one year:</p>

<p>Federal Sub Stafford Loan $3,500.00</p>

<p>Federal Unsub Stafford Loan $2,000.00</p>

<p>My parents will have to get the following loan per year:</p>

<p>Federal Parent PLUS Loan $36,548.00</p>

<p>Unfortunately, my parents aren't going to be taking this loan out for me! WHAT DO I DO??? Any advice would be great!</p>

<p>I didn't qualify for any grants, etc. Oh, I also have one private scholarship for $1,200.</p>

<p>I have even looked into going to a community college and transfer over but California has such a bad system with the community colleges that they are canceling a lot of classes I would take and their actually completely canceling the winter classes making it even longer to transfer over!</p>

<p>SO PLEASE HELP! Any advice would be great on what I should do about this.</p>

<p>I think the best option would be to go to a good community college. Loans can be a huge burden for families so your parents might not think that is the best option. Out-of-state tuition is very expensive and it is unfortunate that Purdue does not give out a lot of financial aid, but that’s the reality. </p>

<p>I believe it will be better situation for you and your family if you stay in state and do not have to worry so much about the burden finances. After all, students are usually in college 4+ years, which mean thousands of dollars in expenses if you were to go to Purdue (think about travel, housing, food, etc).</p>

<p>What is your Tuition/Fees on your portal, mine is $29,160. Did the tuition raise this year or is it suppose to be $26,622? I’m also from CA. :)</p>

<p>$26,622 is the tuition without housing and a meal plan factored in, your total tuition for the year will be closer to $40K. And tuition will vary for everyone depending on program fees they may have for their major.</p>

<p>cheesecakeisgood, tuitions always raise each year. it might raise more depending on the budget cuts in Indiana. if purdue gets a budget cut, i wouldn’t be surprised if everyones tuition raises a bit more than what it was going to be next year.</p>

<p>hmm okay thanks for the help…i figured i would have a loan of about 80 - 100K, which i really don’t think is TERRIBLE but then it isn’t something I really want to have to pay off as well. I think that I would be able to get the pricing down each year though as I am going to list myself as independent and apply for more scholarships. What would you think about that?</p>

<p>Also, I’m not sure if you know about this but if I want to go to Grad School for Aero Eng, is it common that many big time companies such as Boeing or Raytheon pay for a students grad school? I know someone who got their grad school paid for by Raytheon and they are starting him off with 80K. Just thought a thought for that though…</p>

<p>80-100k would actually be TERRIBLE to pay off … u really need to research college debt a lot more. also, you cannot simply list yourself as an independent. You can only do that under very special circumstances, and most people are dependents until like age 24. If you can answer any one of these questions with a yes and you are under age 24, then you are an independent.
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
however, most people cannot answer yes to any of the questions. i would suggest comparing your in-state options to purdue because that is a TON of debt that may not be worth it.</p>

<p>elmons13, just want to caution you that it’s not as simple as “listing yourself as an independent”. If it was easy, everybody would do it. I don’t know what the requirements are, but I think they’re pretty stringent, so I don’t think you should just assume you’ll be able to do it.</p>

<p>Call the financial aid office and find out if your aid was calculated correctly.</p>

<p>When I talked to my counselors at school, this is basically what they told me I could do… yet obviously they were wrong. I looked at the link posted about listing myself as independent and I will not be able to do that next year. </p>

<p>I actually didn’t even get accepted into any California schools and I found out that I cannot transfer into Purdue for Aero Eng when I am a junior so I might have to completely change my major now. This is what a counselor at Purdue told me at least</p>