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<p>1320 (1900) SAT I, 4.0 GPA Unweighted, 9 AP’s</p>

<p>Admission Term: Fall 2010
Entering Status: Regular Freshman
Requested Enrollment Date: Dec 10, 2009
Current Application Status: Accepted
Program: BS in Polymer & Fiber Engr
Campus of Study: Georgia Tech-Atlanta *
Field of Study: Polymer & Fiber Engr</p>

<p>Damn. This school is getting really, really competitive. I wanted to go here, but I have no chance next year to get in with a 3.5 and a 2100.</p>

what the hell is going on!?</p>

<p>2100/3.7 GPA

3.67 W GPA
combined SAT: 1980</p>

<p>what the heck? I don’t get it; all these people with amazing SAT scores and good gpas are denied/waitlisted, but all these people with so-so scores are getting accepted.</p>

<p>I just don’t get it at all.</p>

<p>as important as SAT scores/gpas are, maybe they’re starting to look into how motivated the students are to face the immense workload at Tech–perhaps through the essay? I’m sure they did before, but even more now? ahh.</p>

<p>It could be regional preference…</p>

<p>But then again, who knows what goes on in the mind of an admissions officer. It must be an interesting world…</p>

<p>In another world, I’d call them up and ask what’s up. haha</p>

<p>one of my friends who got a 36 on the ACT was denied…it was kind a funny because he is sooo lazy. but im not sure how, he had a decent GPA and loads of APs and extracurriculars. Im not even kidding at all.</p>

<p>yeah, it’s really weird how they’re waitlisting people with far superior stats. but hey, no complaints from me! That actually gives me hope!</p>

<p>maybe they’re like uga and pick names out of a hat and/or throw darts at names on the wall:)</p>

<p>eeeeeeeew UGA</p>


<p>i agree mevans.
I took the most demanding level of every subject, and even started a new AP class! </p>

<p>I see so many average people getting in. I mean, they should start filtering through the EC between people who broke 2000, at least!</p>

<p>But i still wish my congrads to those who got in, of course.</p>