Finished applying!

<p>How do you guys think I'll feel in a few months? =)</p>

<p>I'm interested in Chemistry and Math!</p>

• SAT: CR: 750, M: 780, W: 710
• SAT II: Math II: 800, Chemistry: 740
• ACT: Didn't Take
• GPA: UW: 3.9/4.0 , W: 7.8/8.3
• Rank: 2/280
• AP: Chem- 5 (School offers few APs)
• Senior Courses: AP Literature, AP Physics B, AP Calc AB, Latin 4, Organic Chemistry Honors</p>

<p>Extra Curricular:
•Started Destination Imagination Team and Program at our High School. We have competed all four years, and have helped start other teams. (7 Hours a week)
•Varsity Math Team. I am, this year, a Tri-Captain. Last year, I was ranked Second Highest-Scoring Junior in the League. I am currently the First Highest-Scoring Senior after our first meet. (4 Hours a week)
•National Honor Society Member. (1 Hour a week)
•Winnacore Member- kind of an Honor Society centered around Community Service (1 Hour a week)
•87 Hours of Community Service
•I run various activities through my town's Rec. Department. Our Rec. Director is writing me a letter.
•I played Tennis my sophomore year, had to discontinue in years following due to scheduling.</p>

• Location: New Hampshire
• High School Type: Public
• Ethnicity: Caucasian
• Gender: Male
• Income Bracket: $100,000
• Applied for Financial Aid: Yes</p>

•"Outstanding Achievement" on National Latin Exam: Introduction to Latin
•"Maxime Cum Laude" on National Latin Exam: Latin II
•"Maxime Cum Laude" on National Latin Exame: Latin III Prose
•High Honors every year
•#2 Junior for Tri-State Math League 2007-2008
•Scholar Athlete</p>

•I work as a Camp Counselor every Summer!
•Town's Rec Department and School's DI coach are writing me supplemental recs.</p>

Boston College (EA) (Double Legacy)
U New Hampshire
U Maryland- College Park
U Rochester
U Michigan
U Chicago (EA)
Johns Hopkins

<p>Thoughts, anyone?</p>

<p>You remind me a lot of my cousin, who had virtually the same stats and interests. He’s currently at U Chicago.</p>

<p>Well, that’s a good sign!</p>

<p>anyone else?</p>

<p>…chance me and… I’ll tell you about the Coldplay concert!</p>

<p>no one wishes to hear of my epic tale?</p>

<p>If you really like Jesuit college BC, you should also be applying to Holy Cross which is also run by the Jesuits and is 30 miles west of BC. HC is 20 years older than BC and 1/3 the size at 2800 students. It is the top ranked Catholic college in US News rankings for LACs.</p>

<p>Isn’t BC a restrictive EA?</p>

<p>They allow you to apply to others EA, but not ED.</p>

<p>up up and away!</p>

<p>sundays are not my favorite. not at all.</p>