Finished Syracuse freshman yr. Got into fordham as a transfer

<p>I finished Syracuse and I got into Fordham for fall 2009. Should I transfer there or should I stay in syracuse?</p>

<p>I want to do business and I know that fordham has a better business program. But are the parties good? And hows the social scene? Are kids racist/classist? Will the cops break up all parties? My main factor in my transferring is if it has better parties. where can i find out?</p>

<p>Can I be the first to say that is shallow?
That probably could have been put in a more diplomatic manner and wrapped in a veil of advice, but I choose not to. That is all.</p>

<p>well i live 3 blox from here too, so i am very familiar with the bronx</p>

<p>i just wanna know how the parties compare to syracuse, thats all</p>

<p>Maybe asking a Fordham student. How about visiting Fordham… clearly you didn’t do that with Syracuse. I hope Syracuse loses in the NCAA lacrosse tournament because of you !! Orange is a terrible color.</p>

<p>*i am not being serious btw. :-P</p>

<p>lol </p>

<p>hey, here to help, if ur willing to share your knowledge, that wuld b greatly apreciated, sorry for coming off as shallow lol, i have other factors in mind to deciding</p>

<p>Oh no, I apologize, I was being an unnecessarily self-righteous prick. That said I know very little about either school but I’d imagine that a city school would be better for parties but I don’t know for sure. Posting in the Fordham forum may be a good idea to.</p>

<p>Do Syracuse a favor. Transfer to Fordham.</p>

<p>Sorry, dont go to Fordham to “party”. Its definitely NOT a party school. I find this thread a total spoof by the way.</p>

<p>I would stay put at Syracuse, you don’t seem to have a legitimate excuse to leave (parties etc…). Syracuse is much better academically than Fordham also, I dunno much about Fordham but Syracuse has a very good business program. Also, think about it, you’d have to make new friends and get adjusted to the school. Is it worth transferring to a school that (in my opinion) isn’t better than Syracuse?</p>

<p>I find it hard to believe ur having trouble finding parties at Syracuse, its a huge party school. Fordham isn’t. Also, Syracuse’s business program is quite good. Don’t transfer.</p>

<p>well i am kind of struggling with the decision because i love the bronx and manhattan and i live right here, so i know so many people</p>

<p>i just want to know if the social scene is good in fordham.</p>

<p>like, for example, if i wanted to go party on a random weekend day, will i be successful in finding one in fordham? in syracuse theres a couple on thursdays, fridays n saturdays</p>

<p>sorry for coming off in a negative fashion. i shuld have put more time in putting my words in a more professional and cohesive manner for the first post</p>

<p>Are you seriously comparing the party scene at Fordham with the nightlife at Syracuse? Really?</p>

<p>Fordham is a small private school with no fraternities and a, comparatively, tiny campus. </p>

<p>Syracuse is a large school with fraternities on a huge campus.</p>

<p>Like any school smack in the middle of a city, you’re going to have to resort to bars and/or smaller house parties by going to Fordham, and I can guarantee a Jesuit school isn’t going to be as receptive to drinking as a virtually nonreligious university.</p>

<p>I would def. stay at Syracuse. Your reason for transferring is not good, no offense. Also, Fordham wouldn’t have more parties but the city life will be a lot better. You can go party in NYC and that will be better than Syracuse. But Syracuse will look better on the resume and would stay put. It doesn’t seem like you even hate Syracuse. What do your parents think? Good Luck!</p>

<p>Uhm, that awkward moment when people claim that Syracuse is superior academically but Fordham is currently ranked 53rd in the nation while Syracuse is 62nd or something like that? …Plus Syracuse is way up north in the cold. Fordham is the better choice.</p>

<p>umm, that awkward moment when a poster realizes that s/he just responded to a 2+ year old post. :)</p>