First Date Advice

<p>You tell me faker!</p>

<p>My power went out :(</p>

<p>laptop ?</p>

<p>Better start paying the electricity bill. That's what heppns when you don't.</p>

<p>Damn I'm scared dude! stop!</p>

<p>I will not faker!</p>

<p>Lotsa things heppn.</p>

<p>I'm outta here until this **** stops!!</p>

<p>You betta leave faker!</p>

<p>Hahahaha!!!!!! that was so funny I had you guys going that was me! I'm buddy guy it's my other account until I get banned! lol! I'm good.</p>

<p>Dude, you scared/forced everyone to leave. Not cool.</p>

<p>oh, homeschooled 8th graders.</p>

<p>Yeah that was so stupid and lame I'll never do it again cause <em>cough</em> it will ruin my rep on cc. :p</p>

<p>Stupid? Yes</p>

<p>Ruin your rep? Don't think you can further ruin you already tarnished rep.</p>

<p>And I don't think my rep can go any higher.</p>

<p>Actually I like my rep ruined! If I was able to see you guys I would beat you up and torment you! Mentally! and physically! lol :p muahahahaha the boys of course I don't hit or mess with chicks. Dvl don't say anything you made a promise!</p>

<p>what about brynna?</p>

<p>She is a chick I don't hit chicks. Though she is manly but I wouldn't hit her. lol</p>

<p>stupid brynna</p>

<p>Keeping my mouth shut.</p>