<p>At Preview i was kinda confused as to what classes I should take. I had different opinions from everybody.</p>
<p>I have many credits transferring from highschool:
AP US History (3 on exam)
AP Bio (3 on exam)
AP Chem (projecting a 3 or 4)
AP Calc AB (projecting a 5 on exam)
DE Micro Economics
DE Mass Media
DE Government
DE Spanish</p>
<p>with that being said, i am taking 5 classes with a total of 14 credits:
ENC3254-professional writing for engineers
ANT3520-Forensics (elective)
MAC2312-Calc 2
CHM2095-Chemistry 1 for engineers
EGN1002-intro to engineering</p>
<p>i am not sure about the calc and Chem classes. </p>
<p>Being a mechanical/aerospace engineer, chemistry is not needed so much as it would for something like chemical engineering. </p>
<p>-I originally had physics with calc 1 instead of chem but i was told it was too much for my 1st semester, and i shouldnt do it until im in calc 3. Is Chem a better choice? and also do i want to go with chm2095 or 2096? (chem1 for engineers or chem2 for engineers)</p>
<p>-Also i was told to take calc 1 despite what i get on the exam because calc 2 is the hardest course to take. Am i better off revisiting calc 1? what about some class i heard about calc 2 for AP students? theres so many different options i dont know what is the best way to go.</p>
<p>Any help is greatly appreciated!!!!</p>