First semester junior year failure!

<p>It's junior year, and finals start tomorrow. And I don't know what to do because I messed up so bad this year. </p>

<p>My averaged gpa from freshman and sophomore year is a 5.4, on a 6.0 honors scale. I know it's not steller, but compared to my grades now it is amazing.</p>

<p>This year I had many problems, including going from honors to regular in math (and my teacher giving me the same grade that I got in honors, which, since it is weighted, ruined my gpa) and our school's grading system that basically malfunctioned and caused me to receive a B for a grade of 90% (I've talked to the school administration, but it's up to the teacher to change it, but she won't for anyone).</p>

<p>After finals my gpa for this VERY IMPORTANT semester should be a freaking 5.0 at BEST. Did I mention that this is JUNIOR YEAR, when you're supposed to be improving?!</p>

<p>Even if I do much better 2nd semester of junior year, how do you think this will effect me in the entire scheme of things as well as my chances of getting into Chicago universities like University of Illinois or Loyola? (I know that University of Chicago is probably out of the picture by now.) I'm talking gpa-wise, excluding extra-currics and standardized testing...</p>

<p>I think you still have a good chance of getting into the schools that your interested in. The best thing I can suggest is to try and get back on track for second semester and for your senior year. There is a greater chance that they will disregard your slip up this past semester if you show an ongoing upward trend in the future. Make sure that you recognize the things that gave you trouble this semester and try and improve upon them for the next time. I encourage you not to worry too much about this past semester. Junior year is tough with all the college preparations, standardized testing, etc. Remember that college admissions officers are human beings and they will take this into consideration. Best of luck to you! I’m sure everything will work out absolutely fine.</p>

<p>This is hardly a failure. I am pretty sure you are ok for Loyola, but I don’t know much about the others. A couple of Bs will not ruin your chances everywhere. My daughter was accepted to many very selective schools and she had a couple of Bs.</p>