First time I see this board, chances please?

<p>Hi, and thanks in advance</p>

<p>ok, so Im gonna be applying to:
(everything mainly engineering)
Columbia Fu
U Penn
U California at Berkeley
U of Florida
Washington St. Louis</p>

<p>and the stats</p>

<p>FL Hispanic, arrived 6 years ago, very very poor, divorced parents, first generation college student.</p>

<p>Im gonna post my standardized scores later because they still are weak I believe, so I'd rather have you please read my hard worked life</p>

-Founder of organization that helps residents become citizens by preparing and studying for test, 100 percent passing rate
-Restoration projects of a S. FL unique habitat. Created a partnership between my school and private society to accomplish a special project having to do with this restoration.
-Nanotechnology research this summer at FIU, im researching with doctors and postdocs and grad students, hopefully Ill get published, but its still uncertain.
-President of science honor society, very likely vicepresident of environmental club.
-robotics club (maybe next year ill reach the competitions)
now all the ECs that arent that important but will still be mentioned in college apps.
-Volunteering as library aide for around 50 hours total
-Tutoring for normal students
-Co organizer of school group for relay for life cancer event</p>

<p>ok, I feel my essays are gonna be pretty strong, and hopefully important factors, as well as my recommendation letters.</p>

ok, basically everything that I wont mention isnt worth mentioning and should be taken as Honors, other important things include
im in a magnet engineering program, this year taking dual enrollment statics, dynamics, computer software, C+ programming. weve taken other engineering courses so far such as engineering and dynamics and electronis but just for high school credit. </p>

<p>next year im taking ap physics c, ap calc ab, ap gov/econ, and ill be taking the physics B test separately.
APs taken so far
Spanish- 5
US History- 4
World History- 4</p>

<p>I got that award, sadly not the one where you need the 5 tests because I couldnt take the physics B test this year :(</p>

<p>top 1 percent of class, last time i checked (but GPA went up) was 3.84 unweighted, 4.8 weighted, I might have passed or gotten close to 5.0. </p>

<p>ummmm, i got the Cornell book award, ive been in JETS competitions and my team came out in first place, im in Future Builders of America, Mu Alpha theta, and student council cabinet.</p>

<p>also, ive done track & field and this year im doing tennis.</p>

<p>ok, now to the dreaded scores -_-</p>

math 31, english 30, reading 26, science 25</p>

math 650, english 630, writing 660. im planning to obviously retake it, and im certain ill get past 700 in math. Im not sure about the other scores.</p>

<p>and the thing that scares me the most, the subject tests
Spanish 800
US History 660
Math 1 620 (i had some problems taking the test). </p>

<p>im gonna take math 2 and physics, and i think im gonna get at least 650 in each.
Could you tell me what descent scores I could get in the SAT IIs, cause im freaking out over those.</p>

<p>I wanna really thank you all if you read the post,
seriously thanks</p>

<p>also, edit, i attended this program in MIT, airfare paid, as prospective students to check out the campus (completly free), and I helped my mom starting her own company, handling all financial affairs.</p>

<p>by the way, Argentinian hispanic</p>

<p>Hey thanks for chancing me, ill return the favor</p>

<p>M.I.T. (high reach, esp b/c youre going for engineering)
Columbia Fu (reach-high reach)
Cornell (low match-low reach)
Duke (low match-low reach)
Harvard (high reach)
U Penn (reach)
Stanford (high reach)
U California at Berkeley (low match-low reach)
U of Florida
Washington St. Louis (low match - low reach)</p>

<p>I think the thing thats hurting you the most, as you have acknowledged, is your standardized test scores. Considering that most of the schools you're applying to are top notch big schools, they really rely on your standardized test scores to narrow down applicants. Your research committments and other committments are great, and your gpa is also great. Overall, if you bump your sat up atleast 200 pts, youll be in much better shape.</p>

<p>Those scores are gonna kill you at the top schools.</p>

<p>RPI and Florida you will get into fine, the others are reaches i think. Seeing as you are applying to a lot of northeast schools, why not look at Rochester Institute of Technology. It's a very good school that I think you would get into (and theres a ton of engeneers)</p>