<p>hi everyone, I'll be brief: I'm currently at a very large state school, and it's not right for me. I just need to get the heck out of dodge. As far as my stats go, I'll probably have a 3.7+ gpa for my first semester, okay recommendations, and okay extracurriculars (maybe one or two clubs).</p>
<p>In high school I had a 3.5 unweighted, 2210 sats, sat 2s were a 630 and a 730 on math 1 and world history but I can't for the life of me remember which was which. I had good extracurriculars, but mostly just school clubs with an officer position here or there.</p>
<p>As far as what college I'm looking for, I guess they should have a fair amount of prestige (or the business and engineering departments should) since I'm concerned with getting a job after college. I definitely like northern schools, and I'm a liberal activist who prefers students who are academic and passionate, rather than students who are social and more "live in the moment".</p>
<p>I would be fine with a good econ department instead of a business program, too.</p>
<p>I've been looking at: CMU, NYU, NU, umich, and berkeley. Thanks in advance!</p>