Fit job for me?

OK so I don’t really know what I want to be when I “grow up”? I am a straight A B student. I’m at the top 10% of my class( But I’m a freshman so obviously nothing is set in stone). My best subjects are math & science. I love children. I love business(not like being an accountant but I love starting businesses). I want to go to college. I don’t want a job that is dangerous or boring. I know I sound kind of greedy but I really would want a job that pays really good. I wanted to be a pediatrician for a while but I’m not a big fan of blood. Reply if u have any job and/or major recommendations for me. Thanks!

Off hand, biomed engineer developing better prothesis for kids. There also physical therapy, you can specialize in working with kids and open your own practice. Law, specialize in areas related to kids.