Fitness, Nutrition and Health- All Welcome (Hardcore and “Light”)

Glad it wasn’t bad @ClassicMom98.

We had cancelled our group run this morning but after 2 days of not leaving my house I felt like getting outside. The temp was 14 degrees with wind chill. The bad part was dodging all of the icy spots but I got about 3.3 miles in. After I got back, H and I took a 1.5 mile walk. I feel better for having gotten out there.


Ran 5k outside today and then walked another 20 minutes. Per MapMyRun app it’s been 10 days since my last run, so glad to catch a nice day. I get km-pace feedback from the app every 0.1km, and it kept reminding me I was slower than target range. I tried not to care - with clunky “mud shoes” and the long break from outdoor running it was expected.


Yesterday was all about functional fitness, scraping snow and ice off the cars, shoveling a neighbor’s driveway and doing farmer’s carries, hauling snow into the house for toilet water. Functional fitness, baby!


I did 22 miles on my bike today. Was hoping for 35 or so, but had too much other stuff to do. Tomorrow I will TRY for 40.


Good for you. Yay for Functional Fitness! Bet you are in good shape for all those chores.


Using snow for toilet water - great idea! Hate that is was necessary but good job!

Hopefully this week will be better


Yesterday, I thought about tacking on a short segment to make the park run a full 60 min. Then I woke up later than anticipated and thought about skipping it altogether. I wound up doing the identical run to yesterday. It felt so hard. My lungs were dying, but it felt like if I moved any slower on the uphill, I’d go backwards. And then I wound up running it 3 min faster than yesterday. Lol.

It was such a nice trip. My anxiety and stress levels were almost nil. And now we are back, and I got to do the 1:30 of vacuuming and soon we are off to Walmart. Woo hoo…


I got the 40 miles on my spin bike today. It was tough, because I didn’t sleep much at all last night, but I did it.


My weekend was largely devoid of exercise.

Yesterday, I walked a mile.
Today I did 2 miles (1 mile to/from dinner


We did a roughly 4 mile walk tonight.

Tonight I have the best named meeting every-- it is the “pizza meeting.” It is meeting where the 12 neighborhood soccer club managers get together trade players to make sure that we have as many viable teams as possible for the spring. It is called the pizza meeting because in non-COVID times we get together at the club office and eat pizza while working through age groups.

As of this AM, we had someplace north of 4K registered for the spring season


Wowser that’s a lot @jmnva06 ! But I get the love for soccer!

Weather is pretty messy here - has been all
Month. Thank goodness for the paved trail a block from home that is cleared at least for walking if not running - Unless it’s single digit temps I don’t want to run either!

Anyway been busy with walking, indoor cycling, core or cardio strength training. I did a cardio with weights this morning before work and then added in a cardio workout on YouTube after work.


Do any of you take/recommend any supplements? I have always taken a multivitamin with iron but several of my friends keep recommending supplements like omega, collagen, vitamin D or E etc. I don’t feel like anything is missing and they can be very expensive. Any thoughts? (50 yo female if that matters)


Been a while since I checked in, been doing walks most days but last week there was enough weather that I didn’t hit my goal of 50k in pokemon for the week I was at 48.8 I think. I did hit my goal of 100 fit points in the ww app.

I got a few more step ups done on my walk before the last snow, it will hopefully be melted away again by the end of the week.

I am still getting in a couple indoor weight sessions a week, and doing the balance games on the wii fit most days as they are fun and I haven’t done them in quite a few years.

Weight is in a good place, I am putting more attention to staying in my points range for ww and am down at the bottom of the range where I have been for a while. I am not looking to lose more weight but wouldn’t complain, being steady at this number or down a bit would be welcome. Weight is not my main goal, it is fitness, and the proof for the past year will come for that next week when I go skiing.


@Momma2018 , this is a good question. My feeling is that lots of people jump on the supplement/vitamin train without backup for why or how THEIR body will benefit from taking a particular one. It can get expensive and it can get confusing and all of that CAN lead to just forgetting or choosing to back away from the routine of taking them.

I take Vitamin D and Calcium daily because it was recommended to me because of osteoporosis issues. I’ve been taking them for several years. The doc told me last year that fish oil might also help with bone density - I bought it but omg those pills are like horse pills and I find I don’t take it regularly.

I personally feel that you need to identify your deficits either through bloodwork or a physical condition and start there. And under the advice of a medical professional.


since there are several here in the DC area and several hard core runners, I’ll share something my daughter did last week. There is a 50k race in MD called the Algonquin, she did it the last two years. This year she signed up for something crazier, the DUC 100k. They run a 50k overnight before the regular 50k. She completed the overnight 50 but then needed to drop out at around 62k total. The route is on trails and there were serious puddles and a strong rain/wind during the race. She couldn’t get her feet warm so she needed to stop. The good news(?) is that she feels she couuld have gone longer. I’m sure she will try this again. Here’s an article on the race


@jackief WOWSER! I hope your D feels a sense of accomplishment!!

Wow @jackief - I’m in DC area and wasn’t familiar with this but that is a tough event! Good for your D.

@Momma2018 - I take Vitamin D and fish oil per recommendation from my doctor. At one point i was on Prescription strength Vitamin D b/c my level was so low.


I have my old lady vitamins at work. 5 days a week I take a multivitamin for women 50+ and a calcium/vitamin D. I figure that’s enough. My iron has always been low. Too low to donate blood, but not low enough to be considered anemic.

Today was a surprise and not in a good way. We had more pouring rain yesterday and despite the temp saying is was 34, the ground said otherwise. The pavement was still saturated and the top layer was frozen in many spots. But since it was all wet you couldn’t tell what was what. And then some was fine. Once I started slipping I figured I’d keep going and it would get better. It didn’t get better and I was near the gym, so I did the middle 30 min on the stairmonster. (I always carry a mask now) then I ran/sipped home. Video of the day was a plyometric cardio circuit. I did my best, but I rocked leg day yesterday and my butt/legs were not happy about the prescribed workout today. We get 3 days of sun and then 6 more days of rain.


@jackief – super impressed by your daughter.

Lat night was a pretty typical soccer night (90 minutes roughly 7K of steps). It was also way warmer than last week. I only had 1 layer on top and was comfortable.


I had a great hard session this morning. I ran 4x the hilly loop in the neighborhood behind me. It’s been awhile since I’ve done that, and I felt strong. Then the prescribed double was Week 1 Push from The Work. I pushed and worked hard. (pun intended.) Normally that wipes me out (and today was no exception), but then we had to do a 15 min ShaunT Cardio. I didn’t think it would be that bad - it’s only 15 minutes, but I was counting down every second of every minute, LOL. I could feel some improvement in the burpee like exercises. I actually had power from the jump to hands, jump up. Usually I take a split second in between to gather momentum. Very glad that tomorrow is an easier day!

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