Fitness, Nutrition and Health- All Welcome (Hardcore and “Light”)

I need to find a way to make pickleball a thing for me. I’ve got the equipment, just need to find a court.

I’ve been stepping up my exercise a bit in the past week in preparation for the holidays and the Christmas tamales I’ve already started eating. Just one a day though!


I’ve been eating Christmas cookies for breakfast, so far so good, I’m not gaining weight, haha.
But I know what to ask for Christmas gifts next year, pickle ball stuff, they are wearing out, I just threw away 2 balls.

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We’ve noticed our balls cracking in the cold weather here. We played for months without any cracks, but the cold seems to be impacting them.

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Interesting, I didn’t think we’re cold enough here.

After getting the official OK from the orthopedic surgeon, I ran today for the first time in 2.5 months. On the treadmill (it is snowy and slushy here) warmup walk then 1/2 mile run (very slow pace, even for me) then intervals. Total of 1 mile each walk and run. Maybe overly cautious but better safe than sorry.


Oh, definitely smart to start slowly. Good Job!

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Big surprise.

  1. Glutes
  2. Obliques
  3. Grip Strength
  4. Rotator Cuff
  5. Posterior Delts


I read the CNN story. I was hoping there would be markers to hit, such as a 60yo woman should be able to lift XX pounds or do XX squats. Or did I miss them? Anyone know of something like that? I always do better when aiming for a goal.

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So, this is one site that I’m familiar with, which has up to millions of users that have recorded their results.

A female at age 60, for the SQUAT, what I consider the absolute #1 must exercise:

Beginner 49 lbs
Novice 80 lbs
Intermediate 121 lbs
Advanced 170 lbs
Elite 225 lbs

Now this doesn’t take bodyweight into account, because it allows you to either calculate standards by age or bodyweight, but not both unfortunately. You can click on other exercises as well.

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We had a nice surprise yesterday. Older S and GF decided to stop here for the night on the way to GF’s family’s house. But it made this morning’s workout trickier for me. The long run has always been my least favorite and it’s easy to not want to be out there. Knowing they were leaving early had me all mixed up. And I stayed up late and got out a little late and just didn’t want to be out there. I almost quit after 30 min but kept slugging away. It got a wee bit better and I figured I’d go the whole distancs. THEN I saw something on the gdound… Is that what I think it is? It is! I found $20!!! That made it much nicer. Then older S called saying they were leaving sooner than they said. So I wound up cutting it short by maybe a mile. Still got it roughly 11.

Then I headed out to the shed and did my hard abs video and then 30 min yoga. It went a bit better than last week


Look at it this way - you got PAID to workout this morning!

So nice that you had those surprise visitors!

It has been unusually cold here. Tonight temps will dip to minus 15 degrees. But hey, tomorrow it will go up to 10 degrees (and sunny too). My biggest exercise today was snow shovelin. Hubby did our driveway and a neighbor’s (on vacation) and some sidewalks with the snowthrower. I used a shovel to clear some sidewalks and a driveway for another neighbor (she is older, has a bad shoulder). I worked verrrrry slowly to be cautious. In Colorado we have a lot of public open space and mostly small yards…. that means short driveways, phew.


I’ve continued my “streak” of getting at least 500 calories on my Apple Watch for over 250 days. I actually thought I wouldn’t continue the 24th, because of some mishaps and unexpected guests, but I got it done.
Sometime between Friday and Tuesday I think my streak will end. We will be out of town and staying in a place with rain expected and no gym. I continue to mostly just do biking (only indoor these days), elliptical, walking and pickleball (so far lowest temp has been 31 when we started, and we all agreed it wasn’t bad after a few minutes, except our non-playing hands if we didn’t wear gloves). I also tend to do some weights throughout the day, but not much.


What a fantastic accomplishment!!


Congrats on everyone keeping up with the workouts even in the cold weather!

I lost some weight on a recent trip but still hear the folks on this thread in the background - needing to get to gym to build up muscle and keep up the cardio, no matter the temps. Holiday busyness is no excuse!

That squat chart (above) was disconcerting. The most I’ve ever been able to do on a Smith machine is the bar (40 lbs). Gotta work on it!


I tried the sit/stand moves, and I can inelegantly do it with the hand assist. Something to work on in the new year.

Good couple of days this week. Tuesday was my usual 90 minutes of soccer. Wednesday we explored the Frontier Culture Museum of Virginia which is a big open air history museum which resulted in 10K of steps.

Thursday we did a great hike near my daughter’s house. It was about 6 miles (when I am back on front of a computer i want to understand why guidebook says 5).


Happy NY Eve and last fitness day of 2022! Do any of you do logging through the year to have some year end stats? I do, but have to do some tallying.

Have managed a couple of runs the last few days as weather became mild (but wet). Would like to set some sort of fitness goal for 2023….not sure what yet!

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I log all activities in MyNetDiary, but that app’s roll-up/summary function for exercise is not as good as for nutition.

I use MapMyRun app during all my runs (but not my walks). This year I had breaks for vacations and injury and did not run as much as usual. But doing a look-back now, it shows that it was lots more than nothing :wink:

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This is impressive!! And you’re so right - it’s one activity and WAY better than sitting on the couch!

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