Fitting in?

<p>I visited Wes recently and I am unsure about whether or not I will attend. Wesleyan has a lot of aspects that I love (science programs, location, housing) and gave me huge financial aid (compared to minimal from other schools). My biggest reservation about Wes is that there seems to be a very defined and specific "Wes type", and I don't know if I would fit into it! This seems like a silly question, because everywhere one can make friends, but Wes seemed very uniform personality-wise so this is a legitimate concern!</p>

<p>I know Wes is extremely liberal, and while I am liberal, I am more moderately so. I don't smoke pot, don't plan on drinking very much, and am more into social gatherings and hanging out than crazy parties. I also don't like to talk about sexual/crude matters with other people (I have no problem with sex... I just think it's private!). By no means do I really care if other people do all these things... I just want to be in an environment where it will seem totally normal for me to march to my own beat, people will respect my differences, and I can find some others who have similar values. Does this sound like Wes to you? When visiting, I had a lot of people tell me, "Oh, you'll change when you get here" or "Really? Wes is much more liberal than that." Is this attitude representative of Wes in general?</p>

<p>Please give me frank responses. Don't lie/exaggerate just to make it sound more diverse or accepting if it really isn't! Thanks for your input :)</p>

<p>P.S. If I go to Wes I am planning on staying on the all-girls floor. It seems that might be the best place for my interests.</p>