<p>I think it will be rigious, but douable. I’m currently a junior taking 2 Ap’s, but 12th grade I plan on taking no less than 3 Ap’s.</p>
<p>Okay so I’m changing Psych to Micro, because Micro is easier and I’ll use Psych as a sleep period for senior year.</p>
<p>However, my parents aren’t down with me doing 5. My dad thinks 4 is enough, my mom wants 3, so the debate is between Lang & Micro. My mom wants me to do neither, my dad wants me to do one or the other, I wanna do both. My parents are only afraid of me not having a life, and I honestly think I can handle it fine. Calc BC & Micro are joke classes, but they think I’m wrong (when that’s THE reputation of the classes.) Any words on how to convince them?</p>
<p>that’s how many i took. go for it.</p>
<p>I took AP united states history, Ap chemistry, Ap calculus ab(only one offered at my school), and ap english language junior year. </p>
<p>I played two sports as well, but if you work and play a sport its going to be stressful.</p>
<p>5’s too few, aim for 6 or 7</p>
<p>I think that’s good. I’m taking 4, and I would have taken 5 but my school has stupid language requirements. It’s not very stressful at all really. Out of all of mine, only Calc BC is really work. I ace all the others without effort.</p>
<p>looks ok except for calc bc. thats a tough ap.</p>