<p>Ah the joys of scheduling -_- I'm a sophomore now, and I need to pick classes. I'm going to have three APs by default next year (Calc BC, USH, & Vergil) and was considering taking four, or even five. If I take my four, my schedule would look something like this...</p>
<p>AP Lang/Comp
AP Calc BC
Physics H
AP US History
AP Vergil
(insert two periods of easy regular electives)</p>
<p>Now if I were to take five APs, one of my periods of electives would be replaced by AP Psych, which has a pretty easy reputation. Now, I know a lot of people are thinking that I should save AP Psych for senior year, but just doing some rough scheduling, I don't know if I would be able to squeeze it in. Suggestions please? Dx</p>
<p>One of my friends has taken all AP classes since his Junior year and only got a few B’s, so it really depends on how much you are willing to put into it.</p>
<p>Maybe AP Environmental/Human Geo? Environmental is easy if you have a solid knowledge of biology.</p>
<p>^ Calc BC is not easy.
English lang is not bad at all, but it is entirely dependent upon the teacher.
APUSH is just a lot of work, but not hard stuff.
Psych is easy, super easy, but can be a lot of work depending on the teacher. Like at my school they have to write a whole twenty page research paper, but other places only make you memorize words. </p>
<p>What is your schedule like now? You could be making a really big jump, or it might not be a big deal.</p>
<p>AP Lang/Comp
AP Calc BC
AP US History
AP Vergil</p>
<p>I took all of those classes my junior year, too. But I also took the best AP that year as well (that being AP Chemistry :P). 5 APs isn’t bad, if you like sleep deprivation and getting depressed a lot. But that’s only if you get staight A’s. I’m sure if I didn’t care about getting a 4.0, it would have been a lot less stressful.</p>
<p>I’m taking AP Psych this year. It’s ridiculously easy if you actually pay attention in class and read the book.</p>
<p>5’s definitely not out of the realm of possibility, I say go for it. However, the best advice would come from your older peers. Ask them how difficult the teachers are.</p>
<p>Go for it! I’m taking
AP Calc BC
AP French Lit
AP Micro/AP Macro
AP English Lit
I’m a junior at a pretty rigorous private school and though it is challenging, it’s not overwhelming. Just make sure to study a decent amount before the tests and you’ll be fine. Good luck!</p>
<p>My schedule right now is 1 AP & 4 Honors as a sophomore (the most we can take with the exception of fine arts honors classes) and am getting mostly straight As in them (B+ in APUSH, but I think I can bring that up into the A range.)</p>
<p>AP Calc BC, APUSH, & Vergil are defaults from what I’m taking now. BC is supposed to be a joke in my school, APUSH about the same, and Vergil’s supposed to be pretty hard (but Latin is one of, if not my best subject.)</p>
<p>And then I have to decide between Lang, Psych, both, or neither. Psych has a very easy reputation around here, and Lang is dependent on the teacher I think. Do you guys think five APs would be doable with a few clubs and varsity track? Along with all the other junior year college crap I have to deal with?</p>
<p>I don’t honestly think that 4/5 AP classes is too much. I’ve known people who have taken many more and done quite well. </p>
<p>It’s all up to you: do you think you could handle it? It’s not worth taking an extra AP if you’re going to be constantly stressed out by homework/tests/projects next year. But if you’re willing to put in the work and think you’ll be able to juggle that courseload, then go for it!</p>
<p>The problem with questions like these is that a lot of it depends on the school/teacher. Specifically in AP Eng Lang, my year was fairly easy, with a few in-class essays and a bunch of busy-work. This year my teacher was sick and there was a long term sub. Everyone had to do a lot more writing (one page in class everyday) and few people got A’s.</p>
<p>OTOH, most people on here seem to regard APUSH as a class with a lot of work, but my teacher only gave hw to the people that didn’t get A’s on tests. That meant that I really only had to do the reading and not much more.</p>
<p>For what it’s worth, I took 4 AP’s in 11th, 5 in 12th and got A’s in all of them.</p>
<p>I took 5 ap’s junior year, including AP psych…it’s doable, and fun if you can handle it all…just you’re starting to get into rough territory if you expect to have a job or play sports in addition to your schoolwork this year.</p>
<p>I don’t know, since my school only offers 3 APs for me to take this year. I’m not overwhelmed yet (A,A, A- in AP Literature, APUSH, and AP Physics) but when it comes to AP week in May i’ll be freaking out!</p>
<p>I’m taking 5 APs plus having three online classes (three honors), plus I have a social life. You’ll be fine so long as you do your work. It’s a bit of shock at first if you are used to classes that don’t require much homework, but you get used to it and it gets alot easier.</p>