Flights back after breaks

<p>With liberty ending at 1800 on Thanksgiving weekend, how is it handled if flights are delayed for the Candidate Plebes?</p>

<p>they get stuck!
nah, just don't book a flight where would be an issue... get them back early afternoon at the latest. that way it's not a problem</p>

<p>HAHAHA! maybe they can just spend the weekend at USMMA! ( :
I had read somewhere that if the departure was four hours before it would be excuseable...I just hate to add some ED...I'm sure he will earn enough of that on his own.</p>

<p>get them a return flight that gets back with plenty of time. they will need that time to get their uniforms ready and study a bit for the pkt that evening. If there is a delay due to weather or other reasonable reason they will simply need to call and let the school know. if they get back late because of poor planning (taxi ran slow, bags took a few extra minutes) they will get in the appropriate amount of trouble.</p>

<p>Don't make a mistake and buy your tickets very far in advance. I know of a few parents who did that last year (bought tickets for every leave peirod) and their child ended up taking a setback and the parents ended up eating over $800 worth of airline tickets.</p>