Florida Department of Education now excluding AP Economic Classes from fulfilling Econ requirement?

For Seniors graduating in 2017 (next year), the Public High School graduation requirements changed from “.5 Credit in Economics” to “.5 credit in Economics with Financial Literacy”. Sources:
Graduation Requirements 2016: http://fldoe.org/core/fileparse.php/7764/urlt/seniorflyer.pdf
Graduation Requirements 2017: http://fldoe.org/core/fileparse.php/7764/urlt/juniorflyer.pdf

As we can see here, the Florida Department of Education accepts AP Macroeconomics and AP Microeconomics as classes that would fulfill the Economics requirement for the 2015-2016 school year.
Page 43: http://www.fldoe.org/core/fileparse.php/7746/urlt/1516CCD-Basic9-12.pdf

They have not posted a Course Directory for the 2016-2017, so I can not confirm this change 100%.

However, (as a Junior right now) my class was called for course selections for the 2016-2017 school year, but I was informed by my guidance counselor that AP Microeconomics and AP Macroeconomics will no longer be offered due to this change! This forces me to take a class that is not only weighted as much, but also the fact that non-AP classes at my school have a reputation of not teaching anything…

Has any other Juniors in Florida witnessed similar issues? I would like to know, because it is almost a necessity for me to take one of the AP Economic courses, and if other schools are allowing the AP counterparts to count for credit in Public schools, then it would be helpful in my defense.

It’s not going to affect you since it’s a school-wide issue. It’d be no different than if your high school never offered AP Econ to begin with, which wouldn’t be held against you.

@goldenbear2020 The course would only be offered if the Florida DoE actually does allow AP Econ courses to account for the Economics requirement. This means that my availability to take them are dependent on Florida DoE rather than my school.

Again, if it’s not offered, it’s not offered, regardless of who made the decision.

FWIW, I think that you’re putting the cart before the horse; I highly doubt that the DoE would exclude AP Econ as a course satisfying the requirement. Personally, if your school/GC thinks it’s an issue, they should be pushing up the chain of command on the issue rather than freaking out teenage kids.