Flying with an instrument- Frontier

Has he come up with some great answers to “what you got in there”?

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Not that I know of. He’s said a surprising number of people don’t know what a cello is when that’s his answer.

My daughter’s cello of course always came into restaurants with us when we ate out as a family before or after a concert. One time we overheard this little girl a table away ask her father, “Daddy is that a guitar?” He clarified to her, “Oh no honey, that’s a piano.”


Upside down is preferred by many cellists.

He’s he said, “A big violin?” :wink:

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Well… my daughter has been known to explain to people that she has a “viola grande” :upside_down_face:

She would argue that “big viola” is more correct than “big violin,” because of the tuning.

She has also taken some workshops where she learned to play various instruments in the viol family (viola da gamba etc), and she will talk your ear off about that if you give her half a chance…

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We traveled from CT to Univ of North Texas…we travel ALOT with the guitar and like I said it’s been a 50/50 shot…sometimes on and sometimes a gate check last minute. Good luck! Where are you headed to audition? This was our last one.

We’ll be heading to Texas with a guitar in a couple of weeks. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Texas was a great experience…if you have any last minute questions please message me! Jazz guitar as well.