Focus on Theatre Arts

<p>Hey everyone,</p>

<p>I am set on Bard for next year, and I was wondering if anyone had valuable information regarding the theatre program there? When I perused the course catalogue, I noticed that most of the electives for theatre were for acting majors as opposed to production majors and theatre historians. I liked the way most of the theatre cirriculum is connected with literature and reading due to the fact that I a) love to read and b) I have an internship this summer with American Place Theatre in NYC. The mission statement for the theatre is “literature to life” where they convert renowned works into monologue performances. I also liked the way Bard has, for 3rd and 4th year students, the opportunity to study abroad with the exchange school in St.Petersburgh, Russia, to study Russian Theatre and literature. </p>

<p>In short, I would like to know about the theatre arts cirriculum at bard more in depth for a person who wants to persue historical and “backstage” elements of the art form (not acting). I am a good actress/musical theatre actress, and I have a nice portfolio of stage credits (on stage and off-stage), however, I would rather build skills as a designer, director, producer, artist, educator, historian, etc.</p>

<p>Thank You!</p>

<p>You’re already halfway there, in being accepted and knowing what you want to do. Congratulations!</p>

<p>If I were you, I’d set up a meeting with the Chairman of the Theater Arts department, tell him/her what you’re looking for, and ask “is there anybody else there that would be good for me to talk with?” S/he may put you in contact with the Chairman of Art History, or any one of a number of other contacts.</p>

<p>Your best bet is to go to the source. They will not disappoint!</p>