Focus Program

Can anyone give me some insight on what this is?
Oh man look at this program. My child was admitted ED and applied to Focus when it first became available to apply at the beginning of February. He was accepted into his first choice cluster and I talked to a bunch of Duke alums at a NYC gathering to watch the game this past Sunday afternoon and they were all so gun ho on this program. Look into this program and keep in mind only about 1/4 of every Freshman class gets into this program.

Well I was informed by Duke yesterday that as long as I apply I am “guaranteed” a spot in the Focus Program. I was just wondering is it worth doing and the structure of the program.

It certainly is worth it, in my opinion, not only because of the various programs’ contents, but also because it is a very solid, very practical, and very EARLY exposure to integrated, interdisciplinary learning (and in a team environment) . . . this mirrors most difficult problem solving in real life. As for the structure, drill down in the Focus foregoing website.

Current sophomore here. I liked it. GOod group of friends to start off college in my opinion. PM me.

1/4 participate, I won’t say its a program that rejects people unless you apply the very last day and your top choices are full. If you are interested in a specific cluster or want a wide education, go for it. They are often interesting classes and can knock out some graduation requirements while giving you a small setting to meet friends, faculty, and get adjusted to college. If you aren’t interested in a specific cluster, I wouldn’t really take one just to be in FOCUS, as you can get small group learning experiences in the topics you are interested in through normal registration.