<p>I am soooo nervous.......i had to resend my transcripts and stuff yesterday and they are going through my folder today.
Best of luck everyone!!!!!!!!!!!</p>
<p>The exact same thing happened with me too. My transcripts got lost as well. Did you apply ED1?</p>
<p>Mine has been saying that since november 30th.</p>
<p>yeah mine says then since the 10th and i applied EDII. Does this mean I might get my admissions letter with the ED I kids?</p>
<p>I recieved "folder pulled committee read" message on january 11, but I applied mid december.</p>
<p>They still havne't updated the site with the latest ACT and letters of recommendation so I'm a bit confused on how they can update it with that but not other things.</p>
<p>My folder was pulled on the 28th of December. I applied ED2 so I should be getting my response either tomorrow or the day after. Good luck to all!</p>
<p>how do you check status?? i didnt get my id yet</p>
<p>Your status comes in the mail, in a big packet. The letter tells you what they've got at the time they sent the letter, but mine was way off. It instructs you to check your status online with a code you can't get anywhere else, except in that letter, so it's useless to give you the link. The status on there has been reliable to the dot for me; it's the coolest status-check page I've seen. So don't rely on the status check in the letter; the website is much more up-to-date.
Sorry, but all I can say is wait.</p>
<p>CMU's status check page is pretty cool. I'm not surprised, considering CS is what its famous for, and I even heard they even send out e-mails when your laundry is ready!</p>
<p>Here is the other interesting thing about my status check:</p>
<p>"17-dec-2007 Supplemental Floppy Disk"</p>
<p>But....I never mailed them a floppy disk...</p>
<p>bumping this… i just got this message. does this mean they are going to make a decision on my application soon? if i send my 1st semester grades in late Janurary, will those be a part of the admission criteria?</p>
<p>Based on what my experience was, it just means they got to your application. There will probably still be some time though until you get a decision. I applied regular decision and didn’t get my letter until the end of March.</p>
<p>That’s read as in “reed”, present tense, meaning that the application package has been sent to the committee for them to read it. This is not read as in “red”, i.e. past tense.</p>
<p>I applied RD, and not all my materials have even appeared as present, yet my status is “folder pulled…” Does this mean they will not see rec letters and stuff that comes later? Why so fast? I have old letters and stuff in there from summer programs at CMU, but I hope they’re not using that for my college application.</p>
<p>Any ideas? Thanks for a clue.</p>