For all of you that have wanted to know . .

<p>. . . how Penn will weigh the new SAT. I have been told by my regional admissions representative that they will average the writing and critical reading scores to get the new “verbal” score. This will then be added to the math to get the total score.</p>

<p>oh that's cool good to know. yay for 680 writing not killing my score! :)</p>

<p>are you sure thats correct?</p>

<p>for me, that is annoying. i got a 790 CR and a low 700 writing. id rather have them just count the CR as verbal, and the writing as an SAT II so it wont have that much effect. that way my stats look better</p>

<p>yeah it is weird. for example, </p>

<p>i got: 800M/740R/680W = 2220. w/ Penn's system: 800+710 = 1510
my friend got: 720M/800R/770W = 2290. w/ Penn's system: 720+785 = 1505.</p>

w/o: 720m+800r+750w= 2270, to scale about 1515
w/: 720m+.5(800r+750w)= 1495</p>

<p>That's a rip!</p>

<p>can anyone get an official source or link or something to verify this?</p>

<p>does this apply to the old sat, too? My old verbal is in the 700's and my new one is in the 600's. also, i never got to take the sat II writing. So how would this be counted, by averaging the old verbal with my new writing?</p>