for fun?

<p>I used to be one of the best Counter-Strike players in the country. =P</p>

<p>dude im so clutch at cs they call me cal-clutch-mcgutch.</p>

<p>"I used to be one of the best Counter-Strike players in the country. =P"</p>

<p>did you put that in you EC's and accomplishments? :D</p>

<p>You guys play so many games...</p>

<p>I'm always afraid my bf spends too much time playing games, but i guess he's below avg. Well, he admitted WoW ruined his life for 2 years. Dropped out of CC and quit job just to play WoW. But that was 4-5 years ago</p>

<p>He stopped before he met me yay</p>

<p>YES when you stop playing game, you get a life, and you get a gf! lol</p>

<p>now he's playing Assassin's Creed. Probably about 2-4 hours every other day</p>

<p>I think that's not too much. yeah?</p>

<p>oh anyone tell me what MMORPG stand for???</p>

<p>MMORPG = massively multiplayer online roleplaying game</p>

<p>and diablo and counter-strike were and still are very popular in the states. i remember a time when cs took over my life as well. when you play in a league, teams demand like 3-4 hours a day for practice out of you...on school days.</p>

<p>"I used to be one of the best Counter-Strike players in the country. =P"</p>

<p>did you put that in you EC's and accomplishments? </p>

<p>HAHA! That would reallllly impress someone I'd imagine.</p>

and diablo and counter-strike were and still are very popular in the states. i remember a time when cs took over my life as well. when you play in a league, teams demand like 3-4 hours a day for practice out of you...on school days.


Maybe quite popular, but I still don't think it was as popular here as it was in Europe. From so many people I've met here who play video games, only a minority of them ever played CS. If you go to my home country, almost everybody who ever played some kind of pc game, played CS. During the time it was really popular, you could basically walk up to a random person in school and start talking about it ;))</p>

<p>Yeah, it took me much more time than 4h/day. We played in leagues too and got money for playing and had some nice sponsors. es four, 1on1? ;p</p>

<p>I wonder how many people end up at a CC because of games... : )</p>

<p>I haven't played in like 5 years, I don't think I'd be much of a challenge. </p>

<p>We used to play tournaments and such too, as well as CAL. </p>

<p>I used to work at a LAN center, I'd play CS until 5 or 6am... That game is so addicting... I'm so happy I have overcome my addiction.</p>

<p>Haha, I was just kidding ;) I haven't played for 3-4 years either, I don't even have a PC I could play with. I only own a laptop which probably wouldn't even give me 100fps. I'm happy I'm over it too. </p>

<p>However, if I was rich and didn't have to work for my whole life, I'd probably go back to playing things like CS or WoW seriously.</p>

<p>Gents, I was addicted to MUDs and Team Fortress on Quake I, back when Quake I was just called Quake.</p>

<p>Psh, only 3-4 hours a day? When I played WoW I was in a world top 20 guild; we raided Sunday-Thursday 3:00pm-9pm.</p>

<p>Pff, 3-9PM? When I was playing WoW, my day was the following:
6AM: Get up, go jogging + brekafast (I was thinking about WoW while jogging btw)
7AM-12PM: Play WoW
12PM: Get breakfast + lunch + dinner, everything ready for the rest of the day
12PM-12AM: Play WoW, go to bed.</p>

<p>When I was playing CS and D2, my days were like that too, but I still went to school in the morning (I stopped going to school with WoW ;)), but I often skipped classes and came home early. I sold my Diablo 2 Account for around $1500 ;)</p>

<p>yep...that's pretty hardcore lol.</p>

<p>i dont play games when school starts. but i will play SC 2 when it comes out! but during summer.. =) hopefully it'll come out by then.</p>

<p>I played Nexus.... I bet you all don't know what it is...</p>

<p>I play Risk. </p>


<p>The board game. lol.</p>

<p>Barrens chat ftw</p>


<p>Anyone put the following on their application?:</p>

<li>WoW Guild leader of XYZ, a top-20-US WoW guild. As guild leader, I led my troops into battle with Illidan and killed him with only one wipe.</li>
<li>Raid 6 days a week, 6 hours per evening</li>
<li>WoW Arena rating of 2400+ in season 1, 2, and 3 in 2v2, 3v3, and 5v5. Awarded Merciless Gladiator status.</li>
<li>Did the rep grind between exalted Aldors and exalted Scryers</li>
<li>Spent over 1000 hours in Alterac Valley</li>
<li>Ganked over 1000 lowbies in Stranglethorn Vale and Booty Bay</li>
<li>On first name basis with the bosses in Mechanar.</li>
<li>Have over 10000 gold and 300 badges of justice. Will trade gold for financial aid.</li>

<p>Seriously though, if you play a MMORPG, quit. You can't be successful at life and WoW at the same time. It's too much of a time sink. I needed to coax my SO to quit. Quitting is the best thing you can do once you're sucked in.</p>



<p>LOL. Congratulations BouncingBoy, you've just won the thread. The only thing you need to add to your app is how many hours you've spent leveling guild newbs...unless that's what ganking is.</p>