<p>in the midst of studying hard and such to get that GPA up and get into the school you desire, what do you guys generally do for fun on your free time? if you're stuck working most of the time, where do you work and do you enjoy it?</p>
<p>I work at a restaurant. And I hate it.</p>
<p>Also like to play a lot of guitar, listen to music, get ****faced, etc.</p>
<p>I work at a company that makes herbal medication for neurological disorders in horses! In fact I'm @ work right now lol. Between that and school I start my day at 7:00AM ever day and come home at pretty much 8:00PM every day (on weekdays).</p>
<p>I salvage my weekends by building my racecar :) . Over break I play literally 16 hours of xbox live every day (halo 3 = wewt). But yeah during school my days are pretty routine.</p>
<p>haha nice, same here about xbox live. time just flies when you're playing halo 3, huh?</p>
<p>it does when you're as good as I am!! haha j/k. I usually switch off between assassin's creed and halo. Have you played creed yet?</p>
<p>yep, beat it then sold it right after lol. it got way too repetitive.</p>
<p>I'm pretty busy with a 19 credit load this semester, which overlaps with a 3 credit winter session course I'm just finishing up with. I'm also trying to finish my distance Calc III course in 10 weeks. I'm pretty glad not to work; I've got the GI Bill and it satisfies our needs.</p>
<p>So, in the free time I find from that I'm usually studying math independently, such as Linear Algebra at the moment, or watching a movie or tv show via Netflix with my wife. Right now we're watching The Office and Space Ghost, Coast to Coast. I take some regular breaks from my academics, and in that time I usually visit my message boards.</p>
<p>Used to play D&D, but I don't really have a group up here in Juneau. I've got a great idea for a campaign, though, if anyone is up for a game when we get in to Berkeley. (;</p>
<p>linear alg for fun! wow, maybe i just hate math.</p>
<p>I just left my job to return to college, as well as just moved to California.</p>
<p>As of now, I don't do much of anything... No job yet and school doesn't start until the 19th.</p>
<p>mix two songs together for audio orgasms</p>
<p>I'm pretty busy too. I'm taking 19 units (4 math/physics classes, one history). I'm also working 20h/week as a CS tutor in my school. My days usually begin at 5AM, I go to school around 7, and come home around 11PM, except for Friday and Wednesday, then I come home a little earlier. I try to finish my homework/study as good as possible at school between classes, so I have some free time on the weekend.</p>
<p>I bought myself a nintendo wii, so I'm playing sometimes ; ) I preordered Smash Brothers, but I'm afraid that I won't have so much time to play : ( I'm so happy I stopped playing MMORPGs : )</p>
<p>I'm also studying Japanese by myself, because a few of my good friend are Japanese and I'm hoping I can go there for summer. My goal is to pass some official Japanese language exam by the end of the year. Maybe I can work there for some time after I graduate.</p>
<p>Since my major is CS, I'm self-studying this a lot too, especially security/network related things. And I'm reading other books for fun.</p>
<p>Sometimes I go jogging in the morning after I get up.</p>
<p>Sometimes I play poker with my friends at night, but doesn't happen too often anymore, maybe once a week or every two weeks.</p>
<p>And yeah, lastly, I'm trying to start my own company. I'm still working on the website, I'm finishing it up now.</p>
<p>You never quit MMORPGs.</p>
<p>Why not? </p>
<p>I must admit that I miss playing MMORPGs, but I haven't played for two years know, I hope I can keep it up. It's amazing how much time you suddenly have ; )</p>
<p>That dim feeling of nostalgia will eat at your mind until you succumb. It's a disease.</p>
<p>I too miss MMORPG but I don't think I would want to play and get addicted again. When I have time, I just surf online and chat or sometimes I go out to play basketball. Most of the times though I sleep or go out with my girlfriend or friends. My girlfriend really takes most of my time that sometimes she annoys me. Even during regular semester she would nag me to teach her and help her with stuff. As a consequence, I do not have much free time for to do my own stuff which is pretty irritating. I work 25 hrs/ week at my CCC and a high school both as tutors. It pays pretty well and I use the money to help out my parents pay for my education. I read, shop, and watch movies but msot of all I love sleeping. I have a Nintendo DS which I don't play lately. But there is this one game that really catches my attention and it's called Advance Wars day of ruin so I am back plauying that DS.</p>
<p>this thread is awesome btw</p>
<p>so exactly what MMO's did you guys play? nostalgia is definitely there for me dating back to my everquest days, the only real game that i've had real nostalgia about. too bad it's not nearly the same game anymore.</p>
<p>I played EQ from 00-04, DAoC from 02-03, and finally WoW from 04-06. This is probably the reason I ended up in community college.</p>
<p>Oh, and JFK, you should check this link out: <a href="http://www.eqclassic.org/%5B/url%5D">http://www.eqclassic.org/</a></p>
<p>i guess eqclassic is a lot more popular than i thought. i've actually been following the site since it started after it separated from projecteq. hopefully it can open up soon.</p>
<p>funny thing is i also played eq from 00-04 which were the best days of the game. what server did you play on?</p>
<p>I played DAoC, RO, FFXI, WoW. I don't remember the exact dates, I kind of lost my sense of time when I was playing, often ~20h/day and then I didn't go to school anymore ; )</p>
<p>However, my best times were not with MMORPGs but with Diablo1/2 and CS. I played them for so many years every day. I don't think they were as popular here in the US as they were in Europe (I'm international).</p>